

Margaret Atwood

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Random Samples Symbol Analysis

Random Samples Symbol Icon

In Surfacing, Random Samples—the experimental documentary film that the narrator’s married friend David and her lover Joe are making—represents how art can reinforce existing social hierarchies like male oppression of women and human violence against animals. When the film is first mentioned, it seems relatively benign: David, the “director” and mastermind behind the film, simply wants to record and then arrange footage of objects they encounter on their trip and has recruited Joe as his cameraperson. Yet it is telling that David recruits Joe to work the camera rather than his wife Anna or the narrator: Joe, a ceramics artist, has no experience with film, but David encourages him to teach himself by telling him that he and David are the “new Renaissance Men”—a term for all-competent, self-teaching artists that implicitly excludes women. Moreover, counter to the film’s title, the objects that David asks Joe to film aren’t random: as the novel progresses, David first wants to document the guts of a fish he caught, a log that he and Joe chopped, and a decomposing heron that someone killed and hung from a tree, all symbolic of violent human domination over nature. Then, later, he pressures Anna into stripping so that Joe can film her, and David can splice her naked body into footage of the decomposing heron. David’s desire to sandwich together film of a nude woman and a murdered animal suggests the association in his mind between human domination of nature and male domination of women. It also shows that even a supposedly random documentary film—which ought simply to catch snippets of reality—is never ideologically innocent: all art can reinforce or subvert existing social hierarchies. 

Random Samples Quotes in Surfacing

The Surfacing quotes below all refer to the symbol of Random Samples. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Logic and Insanity Theme Icon
Part 1  Quotes

They’re making a movie, Joe is doing the camera work, he’s never done it before but David says they’re the new Renaissance Men, you teach yourself what you need to learn.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Joe, David, Anna, The Father
Related Symbols: Random Samples
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2 Quotes

“You’ll go in beside the dead bird[.]”

Related Characters: David (speaker), The Narrator, Joe, Anna
Related Symbols: Random Samples
Page Number: 135
Explanation and Analysis:
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Random Samples Symbol Timeline in Surfacing

The timeline below shows where the symbol Random Samples appears in Surfacing. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1 
Love, Sex, and Marriage Theme Icon
Art Theme Icon
The narrator tells David that “the bottle house” is up ahead. David’s directing a movie, Random Samples , featuring various items they encounter. Joe is the cameraman. Though he has no experience,... (full context)
Binaries and Violence Theme Icon
Love, Sex, and Marriage Theme Icon
Art Theme Icon
...she works, David comes down and announces that he wants to film the fish for Random Samples . David and Joe film its guts, and the narrator fries the fillets. After they... (full context)
Part 2
Binaries and Violence Theme Icon
Love, Sex, and Marriage Theme Icon
Art Theme Icon trying to bully Anna into stripping so he and Joe can film her for Random Samples , spliced in beside the heron. Joe, in a bored voice, tells David to leave... (full context)