The construction of the new plant in Milpitas illuminates one way that residential segregation concretely disadvantages African American people: not only did they lose hours every day commuting and a large portion of their salaries on transportation, but they were also restricted to using Richmond’s (inferior) government services and sending their children to its (inferior) schools—all this while Ford, the company employing them, was thriving. Again, while in public discourse it is often considered racist or impolite to suggest that schools in predominantly African American neighborhoods are inferior to those in white suburbs, Rothstein sees it as an obvious, empirically proven fact (one he has spent most of his career studying). Rothstein thinks that many white people gladly conflate
recognizing that schools in black neighborhoods are generally inferior—which is a way of
pointing out racist discrimination—with actually
committing discrimination and racism, because this allows them to shut down talk about the ugly reality of American racism, and (most importantly) avoid considering their own participation in it.