The Court’s strange but enduring about-face on the question of segregation’s causes shows that even the judiciary is not apolitical, and even damning evidence is not always adequate to convince people who are not disposed to take it seriously. This also foreshadows how the nation as a whole has progressively forgotten that segregation is
de jure. This is a notable change since the 1970s, when this was common knowledge. This reaffirms the importance of Rothstein’s book at this moment in American history and shows that simply speaking the truth is not sufficient to create social change: judges, politicians, and middle-class Americans have a vested interest in preserving segregation, so they all tend to look the other way instead of confronting it. Blaming “structural racism” is a way of doing this: Rothstein does not mean to deny that such racism exists, but rather to note that blaming something vague and unidentifiable is easier (and much less meaningful) than blaming and demanding change from the actors who actually caused segregation: federal, state, and local government agencies, in cooperation with the real estate industry and the American white middle class.