Odette is a Haitian refugee who tries to escape the Dominican Republic alongside Amabelle and a group of other evacuees. Her lover, Wilner, is also trying to escape the violence. Amabelle, Odette, Yves, and Wilner attempt to cross a river when Wilner is suddenly shot by a Dominican soldier. Amabelle, who is nervous that Odette will reveal their location and get them both killed, holds her hand over Odette’s mouth and accidentally suffocates her in the river. Odette’s deathand Amabelle’s abiding sense of guiltadds to her profound feelings of grief and loss. Odette’s accidental murder contributes to Amabelle’s unhealthy coping mechanisms after she arrives in Haiti. In order to avoid her grief and guilt, Amabelle initially loses herself in fantasies and the empty routines of a simpler life.