The Wife of Martin Guerre


Janet Lewis

Love and Loyalty Theme Analysis

Themes and Colors
Love and Loyalty Theme Icon
Gender and Madness  Theme Icon
Modernity, Tradition, and Change Theme Icon
Morality, Legality, and Deception Theme Icon
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Love and Loyalty Theme Icon

The Wife of Martin Guerre tells the story of the marriage of Bertrande de Rols and Martin Guerre. Betrothed to each other in infancy, Bertrande and Martin do not love each other at first. In fact, neither of them wants to be married at 11 years old: Bertrande is frightened of her strange husband, and Martin is so displeased at being married that he hits Bertrande on their wedding night. As Bertrande grows up, she develops a loyalty to her husband despite his cruelty, valuing the stability and safety his presence grants her. When Martin leaves Artigues in order to avoid his father’s wrath, Bertrande anxiously awaits his return.

When a man claiming to be Martin returns eight years later, however, Bertrande’s love and loyalty are put to the test. Bertrande immediately senses that the returned man is not her real husband, and she does everything she can to bring his deception to light. Though the community celebrates the return of the farm’s rightful heir, and though the returned man undoubtedly treats Bertrande better than the man who left her eight years ago, Bertrande’s loyalty to her husband prevents her from accepting the imposter as her husband, even after she begins to develop real feelings for the kinder man who has entered life. In short, Bertrande chooses her loyalty to Martin over her romantic love for his imposter. After Bertrande voices her doubts, the man is brought to trial. And when the real Martin Guerre returns, he exposes the man as an imposter, Arnaud du Tilh.

Yet despite Bertrande’s efforts to expose Arnaud’s crime and remain loyal to her husband, the real Martin refuses to forgive Bertrande for living as the imposter’s wife for any amount of time, which he views as a betrayal of his love. Despite the seeming unfairness of Martin’s condemnation—Bertrande, after all, tried in vain to convince the community that the returned man was an imposter—Bertrande accepts Martin’s condemnation of her and renunciates the romantic feelings she developed for the imposter in Martin’s absence. She even refuses to forgive Arnaud for falling in love with her and treating her well, condemning his love for tempting her to stray from her rightful husband. In this way, The Wife of Martin Guerre shows how Bertrande’s loyalty—if not to Martin, then at least to the social rules which dictate a woman must remain loyal to her husband—overrides romantic feeling.

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Love and Loyalty Quotes in The Wife of Martin Guerre

Below you will find the important quotes in The Wife of Martin Guerre related to the theme of Love and Loyalty.
Part 1: Artigues Quotes

She made a step forward, uncertainly, and Martin, hearing it, turned and advanced upon her, his hands outstretched and a fearsome expression on his long, young face. He had disliked being married, and, in order to express his dislike of the affair, and also to express the power of his newly acquired sovereignty, he cuffed Bertrande soundly upon the ears, scratched her face and pulled her hair, all without a word.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh/The Returned Martin
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

[…] last of all the father of Martin Guerre paused in the doorway to wish his children a formal goodnight. Bertrande saw his features, exaggerated in the flare of the torch, bent in an expression of great seriousness, and the realization that henceforth her life lay beneath his jurisdiction came suddenly and overwhelmingly to the little girl.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Monsieur Guerre
Related Symbols: The Hearth
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

It was the first of many evenings in which his presence should testify for her that the beasts were safe, that the grain was safe, that neither the wolves, whose voices could be heard on winter nights, nor marauding bands of mercenaries such as the current hearsay from the larger valleys sometimes reported, could do anything to harm the hearth beside which this man was seated. Because of him the farm was safe, and therefore Artigues, and therefore Languedoc, and therefore France, and therefore the whole world was safe and as it should be.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Monsieur Guerre
Related Symbols: The Hearth
Page Number: 16
Explanation and Analysis:

She had sided with him against the paternal authority, however just that authority might be. They were two, a camp within a camp. As for Bertrande, to her own surprise she began to understand that Martin belonged to her and that her affection for him was even greater than her respect and admiration for his father.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Monsieur Guerre
Page Number: 18
Explanation and Analysis:

More than ever she understood her position in the household, part of a structure that reached backward in time towards ancestors of whose renown one was proud and forward to a future in which Sanxi was a young man, in which Sanxi’s children were to grow tall and maintain, as she and Martin now helped to maintain, the prosperity and honor of the family.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Sanxi
Page Number: 19
Explanation and Analysis:

Bertrande admitted the inflexible justice of Martin’s father, and regretted bitterly that she had fallen in with Martin’s plans for avoiding punishment. How much better if he had stayed and submitted! He would now be forgiven and all would be well.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Monsieur Guerre
Page Number: 25
Explanation and Analysis:

And her thought, sweeping backward quickly over all the moments of anguish, of desire, of hatred, even, hours of fierce resentment against Martin for making her suffer, for holding her from any other life than a prolonged fruitless waiting for his return, hours of terror when she had contemplated his death in some engagement of the Spanish wars, hours to be remembered with horror in which she had desired his death that she might be free of the agony of incertitude—all these reviewed in a moment with a sharp inward knowledge of herself, her thought returned like a tired dove to this moment of peace in which love was only love for Sanxi, as innocent and cool and gentle as the curve of his cheek.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Sanxi
Related Symbols: Doves
Page Number: 33-34
Explanation and Analysis:

[…]at times a curious fear assailed her, a fear so terrible and unnatural that she hardly dared acknowledge it in her most secret heart. What if Martin, the roughly bearded stranger, were not the true Martin, the one whom she had kissed farewell that noonday by the side of the freshly planted field? Her sin, if such indeed were a fact, would be most black, for had she not experienced an instinctive warning?

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh/The Returned Martin
Page Number: 41
Explanation and Analysis:

“my father was arrogant and severe. Just also, and loving, but his severity sent from home his only son. For eight years I have traveled among many sorts and conditions of men. I have been many times in danger of death. If I return to you with a greater wisdom than that which I knew when I departed, would you have me dismiss it, in order again to resemble my father? God knows, my child […] that a man of evil ways may by an act of will so alter all his actions and his habits that he becomes a man of good.”

Related Characters: Arnaud du Tilh/The Returned Martin (speaker), Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Monsieur Guerre
Related Symbols: The Hearth
Page Number: 43
Explanation and Analysis:

Yet even this love was intensified, like her pleasure in the cry of the wolves, by the persistent illusion, or suspicion, that this man was not Martin.

The illusion, if such it was, did not pass away at the termination of her pregnancy, as he had prophesized it would do, but she had grown used to it. It lent a strange savor to her passion for him. Her happiness […] shone the more brightly, was the more greatly to be treasured because of the shadow of sin and danger which accompanied it.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Monsieur Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh/The Returned Martin
Related Symbols: The Hearth
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:

[…] Bertrande could not but admit that this man was wise, subtle, and, if not learnèd, infinitely skilled in argument. The priest valued him, the children loved him, and these virtues of his which entrenched him with those who should have supported her, but made her the more bitter against him. Passionate as had once been her love for this stranger, so passionate became her hatred of him, and her fear.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh/The Returned Martin, The Priest, Sanxi
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: Toulouse Quotes

Can you not see, it is in this love that he has wronged me most, that he has damned my soul? I have sinned, through him, and you will not understand it even long enough to give me absolution! No, Father, I cannot believe him to be other than the rogue, Arnaud du Tilh.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols (speaker), Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh/The Returned Martin, The Priest
Page Number: 75
Explanation and Analysis:

“I, Madame? I could wish you still to be deceived.”

The words recurred to her again and again. Might she not purchase for her people with this one secret weight of shame against her soul the peace and happiness which she desired for them, and for herself their forgiveness and gratitude?

Related Characters: The Housekeeper (speaker), Bertrande de Rols
Page Number: 80
Explanation and Analysis:

Rising to her feet, she gazed steadily into the face of her husband and seemed there to see the countenance of the old Monsieur, the patriarch whose authority had been absolute over her youth and over that of the boy who had been her young husband. She recoiled from him a step or two in unconscious self-defense, and the movement brought her near to the author of her misfortunes, the actual Arnaud du Tilh.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Monsieur Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh/The Returned Martin
Page Number: 96
Explanation and Analysis:

The return of Martin Guerre would in no measure compensate for the death of Arnaud, but knowing herself at last free, in her bitter, solitary justice, of both passions and of both men.

Related Characters: Bertrande de Rols, Martin Guerre, Arnaud du Tilh/The Returned Martin
Page Number: 97
Explanation and Analysis: