This Is How It Always Is

This Is How It Always Is


Laurie Frankel

This Is How It Always Is Characters


Rosie and Penn’s daughter and sister to Roo, Ben, Orion, and Rigel. At the age of five, Claude tells his family that he wants to be a “girl scientist” when he grows up and… read analysis of Claude/Poppy


Camry’s daughter, Penn’s wife, and mother to Roo, Ben, Orion, Rigel, and Poppy. Rosie is a doctor, and she meets Penn during her residency as an emergency room… read analysis of Rosie


Rosie’s husband and father to Roo, Ben, Orion, Rigel, and Poppy. Penn is a writer, and he meets Rosie when he is in graduate school getting his MFA. Penn… read analysis of Penn


Penn and Rosie’s son and brother to Ben, Orion, Rigel, and Poppy. Roo, the oldest of the siblings, plays the flute and is the quarterback of the football team. When… read analysis of Roo/Roosevelt

Grumwald/Princess Stephanie

A character in one of Penn’s fairy tales. Penn creates Grumwald when Rosie is in her residency, and he tells her Grumwald stories in the hospital waiting room on her breaks during long shifts… read analysis of Grumwald/Princess Stephanie
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Frank and Marginny’s daughter, Cayenne’s sister, and Poppy’s best friend and next door neighbor. Aggie is a “tomboy,” and she spends her time digging in the dirt, catching bugs, and playing with… read analysis of Aggie

Mr. Tongo

A social worker at Rosie’s hospital in Madison and a specialist in gender dysphoria. Mr. Tongo meets with Rosie and Penn throughout the book and helps them through the process of Claude’s transition… read analysis of Mr. Tongo

The Witch

A character in Penn’s fairy tale, The Adventures of Grumwald and Princess Stephanie. The witch curses Grumwald, forcing him to live each day as a man and each night as Princess Stephanie… read analysis of The Witch


Penn and Rosie’s son and brother to Roo, Poppy, Rigel, and Orion. Ben is the second oldest of the siblings, and he is also the smartest, which is why he… read analysis of Ben


A transgender woman who works in Rosie’s medical clinic in Thailand. K is the clinic’s mechanic, and she is also the nurse, social worker, physical therapist, and security detail. K’s husband is Burmese, and… read analysis of K


A doctor who started the medical practice in Seattle where Rosie works. Howie is the one who hires Rosie, and he is the kind of doctor who calls his patients’ mothers “Mom.” Howie is big… read analysis of Howie

Victoria Revels

A representative of the school district in Madison, Wisconsin, where Claude goes to school before his transition into Poppy. Penn and Rosie meet with Ms. Revels, as well as the school principal, Dwight Harmonread analysis of Victoria Revels


A fraternity boy who assaults Jane Doe because she is transgender. Chad meets Jane Doe at a party, and after he places his hand on her thigh and discovers she is transgender, Chad begins to… read analysis of Chad

Miss Appleton

Claude’s kindergarten teacher in Madison before he transitions to Poppy. Miss Appleton thinks Claude is “weird,” and he swears she doesn’t like him very much. She keeps Claude after class when he brings a… read analysis of Miss Appleton


Rosie and Penn’s son, Rigel’s twin, and brother to Roo, Ben, and Poppy. Orion is a bit of a prankster, and he is known at school for his silly and… read analysis of Orion


Rosie and Penn’s son, Orion’s twin, and brother to Poppy, Ben, and Roo. Orion and Rigel are the middle children, and they are loud and rambunctious boys; however, they are… read analysis of Rigel


One of the doctors at the medical practice in Seattle where Rosie works. James is pleasant, and he and his husband spend every evening at happy hour and fine dining restaurants. When Howie grows angry… read analysis of James

Cindy Calcutti

Nick Calcutti’s wife and Nicky Calcutti’s mother. After Claude begins wearing a dress to school and transitions into Poppy, Cindy Calcutti calls Rosie and invites Poppy over for ice cream and to play… read analysis of Cindy Calcutti

Marginny Granderson

Frank’s wife and Aggie and Cayenne’s mother. Marginny and Frank live next door to Penn and Rosie in Seattle, and they are the first people Rosie tells that Poppy is transgender. Marginny and… read analysis of Marginny Granderson


Rosie’s mother. Camry’s name is a combination of her real name, Carmelo, and Grammy, and she is anything but an ordinary grandmother. Camry comes to stay with Rosie, Penn, and the kids during… read analysis of Camry


A man Poppy and Rosie meet in Thailand. Nok drives Rosie and Poppy around and guides them through cities, and he is the one to tell Poppy about the Buddha statues. He also tells… read analysis of Nok

Jane Doe

A transgender woman who is beaten and shot by Chad and a group of his fraternity brothers at the local university. Rosie is on shift in the emergency room when Jane Doe is brought in… read analysis of Jane Doe

Nick Calcutti

Cindy’s husband and Nicky’s father. When Cindy invites Poppy over to play with Nicky, Nick calls Poppy a “faggot” and threatens her with a gun. He says that Poppy is not welcome in… read analysis of Nick Calcutti

Frank Granderson

Marginny’s husband and Aggie and Cayenne’s father. Frank and Marginny live next door to Penn and Rosie in Seattle, and when they stop by to introduce themselves, Rosie blurts out that Poppy is… read analysis of Frank Granderson

Dwight Harmon

The principal of Claude’s school in Madison, Wisconsin, before Claude transitions to Poppy. Mr. Harmon is a nice guy, and since Penn has had five kids at his school, they know each well and… read analysis of Dwight Harmon

Jake Irving

A kid a Poppy’s school in Seattle. The day Poppy is outed as transgender, Jake, under the influence of Marnie Alison, says terrible transphobic and homophobic things to Poppy. Afterward, Jake texts Poppy… read analysis of Jake Irving

Derek McGuiness

A bully at Roo and Ben’s school. Derek McGuiness is forever making transphobic and homophobic comments, and Roo gets into frequent fights with him. Roo is ultimately suspended from school for fighting with Derek… read analysis of Derek McGuiness


Frank and Marginny Granderson’s daughter, Aggie’s sister, and Ben’s girlfriend. Cayenne dates Ben, but she initially has a crush on Roo. On Cayenne and Ben’s one year anniversary, she begs Ben… read analysis of Cayenne
Minor Characters
One of Poppy’s closest friends. Poppy, Kim, Natalie, and Aggie are inseparable and have frequent sleepovers, and like Poppy’s other friends, Kim has no idea that Poppy is transgender. After Poppy is outed at school as transgender, it doesn’t matter to Kim, who accepts Poppy regardless of her gender.
Nicky Calcutti
Cindy and Nick Calcutti’s son and Poppy’s friend in Madison, Wisconsin. Cindy invites Poppy over for ice cream and a playdate, but after Nicky’s father yells transphobic and homophobic slurs at Poppy and threatens her with a gun, she never plays with Nicky again.
One of Poppy’s closet friends. Natalie, Kim, Poppy, and Aggie are inseparable all through elementary school, and the friends have frequent sleepovers. Like Poppy’s other friend’s, Natalie doesn’t know that Poppy is transgender; however, after Poppy is outed, Natalie easily accepts her.
Marnie Alison
One of the bullies at Poppy’s school in Seattle. When Poppy’s secret that she is transgender comes out, Marnie encourages Jake to bully Poppy.
One of the doctors at the medical practice where Rosie works in Seattle. Elizabeth is competent and quiet, and the other doctors in the practice know very little about her personal life.