A Complicated Kindness


Miriam Toews

Adeline Character Analysis

A Mennonite girl who works with Travis at the museum village. Travis and Adeline pretend to be a traditional Mennonite husband and wife, caring for a fake baby together. While Travis assures Nomi that he’s not friends with Adeline in real life, in fact he cheats on Nomi with her.
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Adeline Character Timeline in A Complicated Kindness

The timeline below shows where the character Adeline appears in A Complicated Kindness. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Religion and Dogma Theme Icon
Community and Coming of Age Theme Icon
...The Mouth approves of it. Sometimes he pretends to be married to a girl named Adeline, who once beat up another girl at school for stealing her look. Travis aspires to... (full context)
Community and Coming of Age Theme Icon
...to answer them. She walks to the museum and is annoyed to see Travis and Adeline happily sharing a joint. Nomi and Travis go for a walk, and she makes him... (full context)
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Community and Coming of Age Theme Icon
Narrative and Storytelling Theme Icon
...to a local motel where she found Travis’s truck parked. She figured that he and Adeline must have found a sitter for their pretend baby. She lit some carpet in the... (full context)