Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


Philip K. Dick

Iran Deckard Character Analysis

Iran Deckard, Rick’s wife, emerges as one of the most emotionally aware characters in the novel. She spends much of her time using the mood organ, a device that allows her to choose specific emotional states. Unlike Rick, Iran often selects emotions that force her to confront the bleakness of their lives, including sadness and despair. Her decision to experience these emotions rather than escape them demonstrates her awareness of the artificiality and emptiness that define their existence. Still, like Rick, Iran finds purpose in caring for the electric toad that Rick brings home at the end of the novel.

Iran Deckard Quotes in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

The Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? quotes below are all either spoken by Iran Deckard or refer to Iran Deckard. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humanity and Empathy Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

“I can’t dial a setting that stimulates my cerebral cortex into wanting to dial! If I don’t want to dial, I don’t want to dial that most of all, because then I will want to dial, and wanting to dial is right now the most alien drive I can imagine; I just want to sit here on the bed and stare at the floor.” Her voice had become sharp with overtones of bleakness as her soul congealed and she ceased to move, as the instinctive, omnipresent film of great weight, of an almost absolute inertia, settled over her.

Related Characters: Iran Deckard (speaker), Rick Deckard
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

What a job to have to do, Rick thought. I’m a scourge, like famine or plague. Where I go the ancient curse follows. As Mercer said, I am required to do wrong. Everything I’ve done has been wrong from the start. Anyhow now it’s time to go home. Maybe, after I’ve been there awhile with Iran I’ll forget.

Related Characters: Rick Deckard, Iran Deckard, Wilbur Mercer
Page Number: 207
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 22 Quotes

“Oh.” His face fell by degrees. “Yeah, so I see; you’re right.” Crestfallen, he gazed mutely at the false animal; he took it back from her, fiddled with the legs as if baffled—he did not seem quite to understand. He then carefully replaced it in its box. “I wonder how it got out there in the desolate part of California like that. Somebody must have put it there. No way to tell what for.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have told you—about it being electrical.” She put her hand out, touched his arm; she felt guilty, seeing the effect it had on him, the change.

“No,” Rick said. “I’m glad to know. Or rather—” He became silent. “I’d prefer to know.”

Related Characters: Rick Deckard (speaker), Iran Deckard (speaker)
Related Symbols: Animals
Page Number: 221
Explanation and Analysis:

“God, what a marathon assignment,” Rick said. “Once I began on it there wasn’t any way for me to stop; it kept carrying me along, until finally I got to the Batys, and then suddenly I didn’t have anything to do. And that—” He hesitated, evidently amazed at what he had begun to say. “That part was worse,” he said. “After I finished. I couldn’t stop because there would be nothing left after I stopped. You were right this morning when you said I’m nothing but a crude cop with crude cop hands.”

“I don’t feel that any more,” she said. “I’m just damn glad to have you come back home where you ought to be.” She kissed him and that seemed to please him; his face lit up, almost as much as before—before she had shown him that the toad was electric.

Related Characters: Rick Deckard (speaker), Iran Deckard (speaker)
Related Symbols: Animals
Page Number: 222
Explanation and Analysis:
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Iran Deckard Quotes in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

The Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? quotes below are all either spoken by Iran Deckard or refer to Iran Deckard. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humanity and Empathy Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

“I can’t dial a setting that stimulates my cerebral cortex into wanting to dial! If I don’t want to dial, I don’t want to dial that most of all, because then I will want to dial, and wanting to dial is right now the most alien drive I can imagine; I just want to sit here on the bed and stare at the floor.” Her voice had become sharp with overtones of bleakness as her soul congealed and she ceased to move, as the instinctive, omnipresent film of great weight, of an almost absolute inertia, settled over her.

Related Characters: Iran Deckard (speaker), Rick Deckard
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 20 Quotes

What a job to have to do, Rick thought. I’m a scourge, like famine or plague. Where I go the ancient curse follows. As Mercer said, I am required to do wrong. Everything I’ve done has been wrong from the start. Anyhow now it’s time to go home. Maybe, after I’ve been there awhile with Iran I’ll forget.

Related Characters: Rick Deckard, Iran Deckard, Wilbur Mercer
Page Number: 207
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 22 Quotes

“Oh.” His face fell by degrees. “Yeah, so I see; you’re right.” Crestfallen, he gazed mutely at the false animal; he took it back from her, fiddled with the legs as if baffled—he did not seem quite to understand. He then carefully replaced it in its box. “I wonder how it got out there in the desolate part of California like that. Somebody must have put it there. No way to tell what for.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have told you—about it being electrical.” She put her hand out, touched his arm; she felt guilty, seeing the effect it had on him, the change.

“No,” Rick said. “I’m glad to know. Or rather—” He became silent. “I’d prefer to know.”

Related Characters: Rick Deckard (speaker), Iran Deckard (speaker)
Related Symbols: Animals
Page Number: 221
Explanation and Analysis:

“God, what a marathon assignment,” Rick said. “Once I began on it there wasn’t any way for me to stop; it kept carrying me along, until finally I got to the Batys, and then suddenly I didn’t have anything to do. And that—” He hesitated, evidently amazed at what he had begun to say. “That part was worse,” he said. “After I finished. I couldn’t stop because there would be nothing left after I stopped. You were right this morning when you said I’m nothing but a crude cop with crude cop hands.”

“I don’t feel that any more,” she said. “I’m just damn glad to have you come back home where you ought to be.” She kissed him and that seemed to please him; his face lit up, almost as much as before—before she had shown him that the toad was electric.

Related Characters: Rick Deckard (speaker), Iran Deckard (speaker)
Related Symbols: Animals
Page Number: 222
Explanation and Analysis: