The Praise of Folly


Desiderius Erasmus

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Aristotle Character Analysis

Aristotle (384–322 BCE) was an ancient Greek philosopher known for creating a philosophical system based on logic, observation, and analysis. He was also a scientist, polymath, and a student of Plato’s, later becoming the tutor of Alexander the Great. His contributions span many disciplines, including philosophy, logic, ethics, politics, and more.
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Aristotle Character Timeline in The Praise of Folly

The timeline below shows where the character Aristotle appears in The Praise of Folly. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Praise of Folly
Power, Privilege, and Hypocrisy  Theme Icon concerned with such things, nor would they have been influenced by the thinking of Aristotle and the Scotists. Folly further mocks the way in which they have failed to define... (full context)