The Praise of Folly


Desiderius Erasmus

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Homer Character Analysis

Homer was an ancient Greek poet estimated to have lived between the 8th and 12th centuries BC. His primary works, the epics the Iliad and the Odyssey, are two of the most important works of Western literature and would have been considered indispensable reading for a classicist like Erasmus. Though his work was likely transmitted orally during his lifetime, Homer is widely considered to be one greatest and authors and poets and the father of classical Greek culture.
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Homer Character Timeline in The Praise of Folly

The timeline below shows where the character Homer appears in The Praise of Folly. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Preface to Thomas More
Rhetoric Theme Icon
...He then defends the work himself against any potential critics, claiming that great authors like Homer, Virgil and Ovid wrote pieces that were similarly “light” and satirical. (full context)
The Praise of Folly
Happiness, Delusion, and the Human Condition Theme Icon
...people so unhappy, then, is that they try to be more than they are. Citing Homer, Folly points to Ulysses as a prime example of this: Ulysses is so miserable because... (full context)
Rhetoric Theme Icon simulating folly can the height of wisdom, and then proceeds to cite Epicurus and Homer on foolishness. She then prefaces that, while Christians may consider some of these writers bad,... (full context)