The Praise of Folly


Desiderius Erasmus

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Socrates Character Analysis

Socrates (470–399 BCE) was an ancient Greek philosopher widely considered to be one of the most important figures in Western philosophy. He was born in Athens and is known mainly through the writings of his students, especially Plato. He is most famous for his method of inquiry and questioning, called the Socratic method. This method was designed to stimulate critical thinking and seek truth, and many of his teachings, written by Plato, are narrated in this form.
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Socrates Character Timeline in The Praise of Folly

The timeline below shows where the character Socrates appears in The Praise of Folly. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Praise of Folly
Folly vs. Wisdom Theme Icon
Folly claims that philosophers are not equipped for real life. Socrates, for instance, was not only a poor orator but also a man who had so... (full context)
Happiness, Delusion, and the Human Condition Theme Icon
Rhetoric Theme Icon
...bring people power. Case in point, no city has ever run on the ideas of Socrates or Plato, yet people have done many a great deed under the influence of a... (full context)