The Praise of Folly


Desiderius Erasmus

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Eulogy Term Analysis

A eulogy is a speech that is given at a funeral or memorial service to pay tribute to a deceased person. In The Praise of Folly, Folly is giving a eulogy to herself.

Eulogy Quotes in The Praise of Folly

The The Praise of Folly quotes below are all either spoken by Eulogy or refer to Eulogy. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Folly vs. Wisdom Theme Icon
The Praise of Folly Quotes

However mortal folk may commonly speak of me (for I am not ignorant how ill the name of Folly sounds, even to the greatest fools), I am she – the only she, I may say–whose divine influence makes gods and men rejoice.

Related Characters: Folly (speaker)
Related Symbols: Folly’s Audience
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:
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