The Vicar of Wakefield


Oliver Goldsmith

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Sophia is the younger of the two Primrose daughters. Renowned for her beauty like her sister, Olivia, Sophia is the quieter and more serious of the two. Like Olivia, Sophia is musically gifted, and she often entertains her family around the fireplace. Sophia develops a strong attachment to Mr. Burchell early on, as they walk together during the family’s journey to their new home on the Thornhill estate. While Sophia is also impressed with the Squire, she is less taken with him than her sister. She does however equally participate in what Dr. Primrose considers foolish and vain attempts to look distinguished; she, Olivia, and Mrs. Primrose all dress elaborately and use face washes. Sophia also attempts to find employment with the town ladies and is hurt and confused when she learns that Mr. Burchell was the one who foiled her chance, spreading rumors about the family with his anonymous letter. While Dr. Primrose is imprisoned, Timothy Baxter kidnaps Sophia, acting on the Squire’s orders. After Mr. Burchell rescues Sophia, Dr. Primrose offers him Sophia’s hand in marriage. In the end, Burchell (who is in fact Sir William in disguise) agrees to marry Sophia, bringing to fruition the fortune-teller’s prediction that Sophia will marry a lord shortly after Olivia’s marriage to the Squire.

Sophia Quotes in The Vicar of Wakefield

The The Vicar of Wakefield quotes below are all either spoken by Sophia or refer to Sophia. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humility in the Face of Adversity Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

But it is needless to attempt describing the particular characters of young people that had seen but very little of the world. In short, a family likeness prevailed through all, and properly speaking, they had but one character, that of being all equally generous, credulous, simple, and inoffensive.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), George , Olivia, Sophia, Moses, Dick, Bill
Page Number: 40
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

As we expected our landlord the next day, my wife went to make the venison pasty; Moses sate reading, while I taught the little ones: my daughters seemed equally busy with the rest; and I observed them for a good while cooking something over the fire. I at first supposed they were assisting their mother; but little Dick informed me in a whisper, that they were making a wash for the face. Washes of all kinds I had a natural antipathy to; for I knew that instead of mending the complexion they spoiled it. I therefore approached my chair by sly degrees to the fire, and grasping the poker, as if it wanted mending, seemingly by accident, overturned the whole composition, and it was too late to begin another.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick
Related Symbols: The Fireplace
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 58
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9 Quotes

The two ladies threw my girls quite into the shade; for they would talk of nothing but high life, and high lived company; with other fashionable topics, such as pictures, taste, Shakespear, and the musical glasses. ’Tis true they once or twice mortified us sensibly by slipping out an oath; but that appeared to me as the surest symptom of their distinction, (tho’ I am since informed that swearing is perfectly unfashionable.)

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, Olivia, Sophia, The Town Ladies (Lady Blarney and Miss Carolina Wilelmina Amelia Skeggs)
Page Number: 70
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11 Quotes

It was in this manner that my eldest daughter was hemmed in, and thumped about, all blowzed, in spirits, and bawling for fair play, fair play, with a voice that might deafen a ballad singer, confusion on confusion, who should enter the room but our two great acquaintances from town, Lady Blarney and Miss Carolina Wilelmina Amelia Skeggs! Description would but beggar, therefore it is unnecessary to describe this new mortification. Death! To be seen by ladies of such high breeding in such vulgar attitudes! Nothing better could ensure from such a vulgar play of Mr Flamborough’s proposing. We seemed stuck to the ground for some time, as if actually petrified with amazement.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, Olivia, Sophia, The Town Ladies (Lady Blarney and Miss Carolina Wilelmina Amelia Skeggs), Flamborough
Page Number: 77
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

Our family had now made several attempts to be fine; but some unforeseen disaster demolished each as soon as projected. I endeavoured to take the advantage of every disappointment, to improve their good sense in proportion as they were frustrated in ambition. ‘You see, my children,’ cried I, ‘how little is to be got by attempts to impose upon the world, in coping with our betters. Such as are poor and will associate with none but the rich, are hated by those they avoid, and despised by these they follow. Unequal combinations are always disadvantageous to the weaker side: the rich having the pleasure, and the poor the inconveniences that result from them. But come, Dick, my boy, and repeat the fable that you were reading to-day, for the good of the company.’

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, The Town Ladies (Lady Blarney and Miss Carolina Wilelmina Amelia Skeggs), Flamborough
Page Number: 85
Explanation and Analysis:

When gone, we all regarded each other for some minutes with confusion. My wife, who knew herself to be the cause, strove to hide her concern with a forced smile, and an air of assurance, which I was willing to reprove: ‘How, woman,’ cried I to her, ‘is it thus we treat strangers? Is it thus we return their kindness? Be assured, my dear, that these were the harshest words, and to me the most unpleasing that ever escaped your lips!’ – ‘Why would he provoke me then,’ replied she; ‘but I know the motives of his advice perfectly well. He would prevent my girls from going to town, that he may have the pleasure of my youngest daughter’s company here at home. But whatever happens, she shall chuse better company than such low-lived fellows as he.’ – ‘Low-lived, my dear, do you call him,’ cried I, ‘it is very possible we may mistake this man’s character: for he seems upon some occasions the most finished gentleman I ever knew.’

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Mrs. Deborah Primrose (speaker), Mr. Burchell (Sir William Thornhill), Olivia, Sophia
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 16 Quotes

We desired to have something in a brighter style, and, after many debates, at length came to an unanimous resolution of being drawn together, in one large historical family piece. This would be cheaper, since one frame would serve for all, and it would be infinitely more genteel; for all families of any taste were now drawn in the same manner. As we did not immediately recollect an historical subject to hit us, we were contented each with being drawn as independent historical figures. My wife desired to be represented as Venus, and the painter was desired not to be too frugal of his diamonds in her stomacher and hair. Her two little ones were to be as Cupids by her side, while I, in my gown and band, was to present her with my books on the Whistonian controversy. Olivia would be drawn as an Amazon, sitting upon a bank of flowers, drest in green joseph, richly laced with gold, and a whip in her hand. Sophia was to be a shepherdess, with as many sheep as the painter could put in for nothing; and Moses was to be drest out with an hat and white feather.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, Bill, Flamborough
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 99
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 28 Quotes

I have called off my imagination a few moments from the pleasures that surround me, to fix it upon objects that are still more pleasing, the dear little fire-side at home. My fancy draws that harmless groupe as listening to every line of this with great composure. I view those faces with delight which never felt the deforming hand of ambition or distress! But whatever your happiness may be at home, I am sure it will be some addition to it, to hear that I am perfectly pleased with my situation, and in every way happy here.

Related Characters: George (speaker), Dr. Charles Primrose, Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, Bill
Related Symbols: The Fireplace
Page Number: 170
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 29 Quotes

Thus philosophy is weak; but religion comforts in an higher strain. Man is here, it tells us, fitting up his mind and preparing it for another abode. When the good man leaves the body and is all a glorious mind, he will find he has been making himself a heaven of happiness here, while the wretch that has been maimed and contaminated by his vices, shrinks from his body with terror, and finds that he has anticipated the vengeance of heaven. To religion then we must hold in every circumstance of life for our truest comfort; for if already we are happy, it is a pleasure to think that we can make that happiness unending, and if we are miserable, it is very consoling to think that there is a place of rest. Thus to the fortunate religion holds out a continuance of bliss, to the wretched a change from pain.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, George , Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, Bill, The Prisoners
Page Number: 173-174
Explanation and Analysis:

Then let us take comfort now, for we shall soon be at our journey’s end; we shall soon lay down the heavy burthen laid by heaven upon us, and though death, the only friend of the wretched, for a little while mocks the weary traveller with the view, and like his horizon, still flies before him; yet the time will certainly and shortly come, when we shall cease from our toil; when the luxurious great ones of the world shall no more tread us to the earth; when we shall think with pleasure on our sufferings below; when we shall be surrounded with all our friends, or such as deserved our friendship; when our bliss shall be unutterable, and still, to crown all, unending.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), George , Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, Bill, The Prisoners
Page Number: 176
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 31 Quotes

After supper, as my spirits were exhausted by the alternations of pleasure and pain which they had sustained during the day, I asked permission to withdraw, and leaving the company in the midst of their mirth, as soon as I found myself alone, I poured out my heart in gratitude to the giver of joy as well as of sorrow, and then slept undisturbed till morning.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, George , Olivia, Sophia
Page Number: 196
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 32 Quotes

As soon as dinner was over, according to my old custom, I requested that the table might be taken away, to have the pleasure of seeing all my family assembled once more by a chearful fire-side. My two little ones sat upon each knee, the rest of the company by their partners. I had nothing now on this side of the grave to wish for, all my cares were over, my pleasure was unspeakable. It now only remained that my gratitude in good fortune should exceed my former submission in adversity.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Mr. Burchell (Sir William Thornhill), George , Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Miss Arabella Wilmot, Moses, Dick, Bill, Flamborough
Related Symbols: The Fireplace
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 199
Explanation and Analysis:
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Sophia Quotes in The Vicar of Wakefield

The The Vicar of Wakefield quotes below are all either spoken by Sophia or refer to Sophia. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humility in the Face of Adversity Theme Icon
Chapter 1 Quotes

But it is needless to attempt describing the particular characters of young people that had seen but very little of the world. In short, a family likeness prevailed through all, and properly speaking, they had but one character, that of being all equally generous, credulous, simple, and inoffensive.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), George , Olivia, Sophia, Moses, Dick, Bill
Page Number: 40
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

As we expected our landlord the next day, my wife went to make the venison pasty; Moses sate reading, while I taught the little ones: my daughters seemed equally busy with the rest; and I observed them for a good while cooking something over the fire. I at first supposed they were assisting their mother; but little Dick informed me in a whisper, that they were making a wash for the face. Washes of all kinds I had a natural antipathy to; for I knew that instead of mending the complexion they spoiled it. I therefore approached my chair by sly degrees to the fire, and grasping the poker, as if it wanted mending, seemingly by accident, overturned the whole composition, and it was too late to begin another.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick
Related Symbols: The Fireplace
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 58
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9 Quotes

The two ladies threw my girls quite into the shade; for they would talk of nothing but high life, and high lived company; with other fashionable topics, such as pictures, taste, Shakespear, and the musical glasses. ’Tis true they once or twice mortified us sensibly by slipping out an oath; but that appeared to me as the surest symptom of their distinction, (tho’ I am since informed that swearing is perfectly unfashionable.)

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, Olivia, Sophia, The Town Ladies (Lady Blarney and Miss Carolina Wilelmina Amelia Skeggs)
Page Number: 70
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 11 Quotes

It was in this manner that my eldest daughter was hemmed in, and thumped about, all blowzed, in spirits, and bawling for fair play, fair play, with a voice that might deafen a ballad singer, confusion on confusion, who should enter the room but our two great acquaintances from town, Lady Blarney and Miss Carolina Wilelmina Amelia Skeggs! Description would but beggar, therefore it is unnecessary to describe this new mortification. Death! To be seen by ladies of such high breeding in such vulgar attitudes! Nothing better could ensure from such a vulgar play of Mr Flamborough’s proposing. We seemed stuck to the ground for some time, as if actually petrified with amazement.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, Olivia, Sophia, The Town Ladies (Lady Blarney and Miss Carolina Wilelmina Amelia Skeggs), Flamborough
Page Number: 77
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

Our family had now made several attempts to be fine; but some unforeseen disaster demolished each as soon as projected. I endeavoured to take the advantage of every disappointment, to improve their good sense in proportion as they were frustrated in ambition. ‘You see, my children,’ cried I, ‘how little is to be got by attempts to impose upon the world, in coping with our betters. Such as are poor and will associate with none but the rich, are hated by those they avoid, and despised by these they follow. Unequal combinations are always disadvantageous to the weaker side: the rich having the pleasure, and the poor the inconveniences that result from them. But come, Dick, my boy, and repeat the fable that you were reading to-day, for the good of the company.’

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, The Town Ladies (Lady Blarney and Miss Carolina Wilelmina Amelia Skeggs), Flamborough
Page Number: 85
Explanation and Analysis:

When gone, we all regarded each other for some minutes with confusion. My wife, who knew herself to be the cause, strove to hide her concern with a forced smile, and an air of assurance, which I was willing to reprove: ‘How, woman,’ cried I to her, ‘is it thus we treat strangers? Is it thus we return their kindness? Be assured, my dear, that these were the harshest words, and to me the most unpleasing that ever escaped your lips!’ – ‘Why would he provoke me then,’ replied she; ‘but I know the motives of his advice perfectly well. He would prevent my girls from going to town, that he may have the pleasure of my youngest daughter’s company here at home. But whatever happens, she shall chuse better company than such low-lived fellows as he.’ – ‘Low-lived, my dear, do you call him,’ cried I, ‘it is very possible we may mistake this man’s character: for he seems upon some occasions the most finished gentleman I ever knew.’

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Mrs. Deborah Primrose (speaker), Mr. Burchell (Sir William Thornhill), Olivia, Sophia
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 16 Quotes

We desired to have something in a brighter style, and, after many debates, at length came to an unanimous resolution of being drawn together, in one large historical family piece. This would be cheaper, since one frame would serve for all, and it would be infinitely more genteel; for all families of any taste were now drawn in the same manner. As we did not immediately recollect an historical subject to hit us, we were contented each with being drawn as independent historical figures. My wife desired to be represented as Venus, and the painter was desired not to be too frugal of his diamonds in her stomacher and hair. Her two little ones were to be as Cupids by her side, while I, in my gown and band, was to present her with my books on the Whistonian controversy. Olivia would be drawn as an Amazon, sitting upon a bank of flowers, drest in green joseph, richly laced with gold, and a whip in her hand. Sophia was to be a shepherdess, with as many sheep as the painter could put in for nothing; and Moses was to be drest out with an hat and white feather.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, Bill, Flamborough
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 99
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 28 Quotes

I have called off my imagination a few moments from the pleasures that surround me, to fix it upon objects that are still more pleasing, the dear little fire-side at home. My fancy draws that harmless groupe as listening to every line of this with great composure. I view those faces with delight which never felt the deforming hand of ambition or distress! But whatever your happiness may be at home, I am sure it will be some addition to it, to hear that I am perfectly pleased with my situation, and in every way happy here.

Related Characters: George (speaker), Dr. Charles Primrose, Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, Bill
Related Symbols: The Fireplace
Page Number: 170
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 29 Quotes

Thus philosophy is weak; but religion comforts in an higher strain. Man is here, it tells us, fitting up his mind and preparing it for another abode. When the good man leaves the body and is all a glorious mind, he will find he has been making himself a heaven of happiness here, while the wretch that has been maimed and contaminated by his vices, shrinks from his body with terror, and finds that he has anticipated the vengeance of heaven. To religion then we must hold in every circumstance of life for our truest comfort; for if already we are happy, it is a pleasure to think that we can make that happiness unending, and if we are miserable, it is very consoling to think that there is a place of rest. Thus to the fortunate religion holds out a continuance of bliss, to the wretched a change from pain.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, George , Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, Bill, The Prisoners
Page Number: 173-174
Explanation and Analysis:

Then let us take comfort now, for we shall soon be at our journey’s end; we shall soon lay down the heavy burthen laid by heaven upon us, and though death, the only friend of the wretched, for a little while mocks the weary traveller with the view, and like his horizon, still flies before him; yet the time will certainly and shortly come, when we shall cease from our toil; when the luxurious great ones of the world shall no more tread us to the earth; when we shall think with pleasure on our sufferings below; when we shall be surrounded with all our friends, or such as deserved our friendship; when our bliss shall be unutterable, and still, to crown all, unending.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), George , Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Moses, Dick, Bill, The Prisoners
Page Number: 176
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 31 Quotes

After supper, as my spirits were exhausted by the alternations of pleasure and pain which they had sustained during the day, I asked permission to withdraw, and leaving the company in the midst of their mirth, as soon as I found myself alone, I poured out my heart in gratitude to the giver of joy as well as of sorrow, and then slept undisturbed till morning.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Squire Thornhill, George , Olivia, Sophia
Page Number: 196
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 32 Quotes

As soon as dinner was over, according to my old custom, I requested that the table might be taken away, to have the pleasure of seeing all my family assembled once more by a chearful fire-side. My two little ones sat upon each knee, the rest of the company by their partners. I had nothing now on this side of the grave to wish for, all my cares were over, my pleasure was unspeakable. It now only remained that my gratitude in good fortune should exceed my former submission in adversity.

Related Characters: Dr. Charles Primrose (speaker), Mr. Burchell (Sir William Thornhill), George , Olivia, Sophia, Mrs. Deborah Primrose, Miss Arabella Wilmot, Moses, Dick, Bill, Flamborough
Related Symbols: The Fireplace
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 199
Explanation and Analysis: