The Worst Hard Time

The Worst Hard Time


Timothy Egan

A U.S. Army general who routed the Comanche out of the Texas Panhandle to make way for cattle-ranchers. He encouraged Anglo-Americans to “kill, skin, and sell” the buffalos on which the natives relied for sustenance, until not a single one was left. Sheridan believed that the cowboys who would eventually overtake the land would be the “[forerunners] of an advanced civilization.”
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General Philip Sheridan Character Timeline in The Worst Hard Time

The timeline below shows where the character General Philip Sheridan appears in The Worst Hard Time. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: The Wanderer
Westward Expansion and the Settlement of the Southern Plains Theme Icon
Anglo Culture and Racism Theme Icon
Environmental Devastation and the Dust Bowl Theme Icon
In 1875, General Philip Sheridan told the Texas Legislature that white people should “kill, skin, and sell” bison until they... (full context)