The Worst Hard Time

The Worst Hard Time


Timothy Egan

Louise Walton Character Analysis

A former Broadway dancer who moved to the Southern Plains to correct a respiratory problem, at the recommendation of her doctors in New York. Walton’s health improved was indeed improved by the dry air of the Southern Plains, and she went on to marry a rancher and give birth to Jeanne Clark.
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Louise Walton Character Timeline in The Worst Hard Time

The timeline below shows where the character Louise Walton appears in The Worst Hard Time. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Introduction: Live Through This
Westward Expansion and the Settlement of the Southern Plains Theme Icon
The City vs. the Country Theme Icon
Environmental Devastation and the Dust Bowl Theme Icon
...another witness to the Dust Bowl. Her lungs remain scarred from dust pneumonia. Her mother, Louise Walton , a former Broadway dancer, had moved to the plains due to a respiratory problem.... (full context)
Chapter 13: The Struggle for Air
Environmental Devastation and the Dust Bowl Theme Icon
Jeanne Clark’s mother, Louise Walton , who had left New York for the High Plains to cure her respiratory ailment,... (full context)