The Worst Hard Time

The Worst Hard Time


Timothy Egan

Simon Herzstein Character Analysis

Nephew of Levi and Morris Herzstein. Originally from Philadelphia, like the rest of his family, he arrived in Clayton, New Mexico in April 1901 at the age of nineteen and helped his uncle Morris with his goal of setting up a chain of general stores. In 1935, the city of Dalhart foreclosed on their local store due to $242 in back taxes.
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Simon Herzstein Character Timeline in The Worst Hard Time

The timeline below shows where the character Simon Herzstein appears in The Worst Hard Time. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: No Man's Land
Westward Expansion and the Settlement of the Southern Plains Theme Icon
Anglo Culture and Racism Theme Icon
The City vs. the Country Theme Icon
...Ts. A clothier from Clayton, New Mexico arrived and took orders for suits and dresses. Simon Herzstein took trips to New York and arrived back with outfits “that could make a... (full context)
Chapter 6: First Wave
Westward Expansion and the Settlement of the Southern Plains Theme Icon
...Black Jack was set to be hanged on April 26, 1901, the same week that Simon Herzstein, Morris and Levi’s nephew, arrived from Philadelphia with his wife, Maude Edwards. When they... (full context)
Westward Expansion and the Settlement of the Southern Plains Theme Icon
...rolling to the feet of the crowd was Maude Edwards’ welcome to the High Plains. Simon Herzstein never tired of telling this story. (full context)
Westward Expansion and the Settlement of the Southern Plains Theme Icon
Economic Hardship and Lessons of the Great Depression Theme Icon
Simon Herzstein was an astute businessman. He never kept a ledger; all of his account records... (full context)
Chapter 8: In a Dry Land
Economic Hardship and Lessons of the Great Depression Theme Icon
Simon and Maude Herzstein kept their spirits up by holding a big Friday dinner party, for... (full context)
Chapter 14: Showdown in Dalhart
Westward Expansion and the Settlement of the Southern Plains Theme Icon
Anglo Culture and Racism Theme Icon
Economic Hardship and Lessons of the Great Depression Theme Icon
...own business in Dalhart. It allowed “Uncle” Dick Coon to seize a pool hall, but Simon Herzstein lost his store due to $242 in back taxes. Black people had never been... (full context)