A Rumor of War

A Rumor of War


Philip Caputo

Colonel Wheeler Character Analysis

The commanding officer at regimental headquarters, where Caputo assumes his administrative position. In the mess hall, Wheeler sits at the head of a U-shaped table during meals. He later orders Caputo to arrange for the bodies of VC to be brought back to regimental headquarters so that General Thompson can view them after their briefing.
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Colonel Wheeler Character Timeline in A Rumor of War

The timeline below shows where the character Colonel Wheeler appears in A Rumor of War. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Ten
The Morality of War Theme Icon
Danger and Uncertainty Theme Icon
...scoreboard where Anderson keeps a tally. Lieutenant Colonel Brooks examines the figures and says that Colonel Wheeler is giving a briefing for General Thompson this afternoon and will want the latest casualty... (full context)
Heroism and Identity Theme Icon
The Morality of War Theme Icon
Danger and Uncertainty Theme Icon
War and Disillusionment Theme Icon
General Thompson arrives by helicopter with Colonel Wheeler on one side of him and Lieutenant Colonel Brooks on the other side. A couple... (full context)
The Morality of War Theme Icon
Danger and Uncertainty Theme Icon
War and Disillusionment Theme Icon
When the briefing ends, General Thompson, Colonel Wheeler , and the other officers emerge from the tent. Caputo salutes them. They walk past... (full context)
Chapter Eleven
Heroism and Identity Theme Icon
The Morality of War Theme Icon
Danger and Uncertainty Theme Icon
War and Disillusionment Theme Icon
...he should do something, though he doesn’t know what. The head officers arrive, along with Colonel Wheeler . Someone talks to One-Nine Battalion to find out where the attack is coming from... (full context)