A Rumor of War

A Rumor of War


Philip Caputo

The brigade’s commanding general, or brigadier, in Da Nang. He is tall and wears a green ascot with a starched battle jacket. His boots and the stars on his collar shine, and “a kite-tail of staff officers” follow him around when he tours the perimeter. Caputo describes his voice as having “insincere friendliness,” not unlike “the voice of a campaigning politician.” Caputo contrasts him with the more rugged Lieutenant Colonel Bain.
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General Karsch Character Timeline in A Rumor of War

The timeline below shows where the character General Karsch appears in A Rumor of War. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Four
Heroism and Identity Theme Icon
Danger and Uncertainty Theme Icon
...The routine feels less like war and more like forced labor. The brigade’s commanding general, General Karsch comes out to the perimeter often with Colonel Bain. While Caputo admires Bain’s ruggedness, as... (full context)