A Rumor of War

A Rumor of War


Philip Caputo

A quiet boy who is about nineteen years old. He is tall and thin with dark blond hair. Caputo describes him as “so American-looking [that] he could have posed for a Norman Rockwell in the old Saturday Evening Post.” Sergeant Loker tells Caputo that he caught Hanson trying to cut the ears off of dead VC, mimicking the Australian soldiers who took ears as souvenirs.
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Hanson Character Timeline in A Rumor of War

The timeline below shows where the character Hanson appears in A Rumor of War. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Seven
Heroism and Identity Theme Icon
The Morality of War Theme Icon
War and Disillusionment Theme Icon
...a village; Loker shrugs. He then tells Caputo about how he found a marine named Hanson trying to cut the ears off of dead VC. He figures that Hanson got the... (full context)