A Rumor of War

A Rumor of War


Philip Caputo

Major General Lew Walt Character Analysis

An officer whom Caputo admires because he is “an authentic hero.” Walt won three Navy Crosses, “one for single-handedly pulling an artillery piece uphill under heavy Japanese fire during a battle in the South Pacific.” Walt also insists on leading his soldiers “from up front,” not from “a cushy command post” far removed from the action. He has recently taken command of the III MAF, or the Third Marine Amphibious Force, which is the headquarters for all Marine units in Vietnam.
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Major General Lew Walt Character Timeline in A Rumor of War

The timeline below shows where the character Major General Lew Walt appears in A Rumor of War. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Eleven
The Morality of War Theme Icon
Danger and Uncertainty Theme Icon
Caputo starts to go out and runs into Major General Lew Walt . He salutes him, but Walt does not acknowledge the formality. Instead, the major general... (full context)
Chapter Eighteen
The Morality of War Theme Icon
War and Disillusionment Theme Icon
The insurrection ends on May 25. General Walt sends a message to all Marine units in I Corps, saying that the rebellion has... (full context)