Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

Captain Corelli’s Mandolin


Louis De Bernières

Megalo Velisarios Character Analysis

Velisarios is the strongman in Pelagia's village. Despite his massive size and impressive strength, he's kind and gentle. However, he's also prone to abusing his power for laughs, as when he lifts Father Arsenios onto the wall, embarrassing the priest. During the occupation, Velisarios commits petty crimes against the Italians and becomes friendly with Carlo, another massive man in the Italian army. They share cigarettes with each other and curse the war. By the time the Italians are slaughtered by the Germans, Velisarios, like many of the Greeks, has become friends with the Italians and helps them fight the Germans. When he finds Carlo dead, Velisarios feels as though it's improper to leave the body of such a kind man and in moving Carlo's body, he discovers Corelli alive underneath. He rushes Corelli to Dr. Iannis for medical attention and helps bury Carlo under Dr. Iannis's olive tree. At the end of the novel, the reader learns that Velisarios returns to the grave every year at the anniversary of the massacre to leave a rose on Carlo's grave. After the earthquake in 1953, Velisarios becomes a leader in his village and helps organize the villagers until relief workers arrive. He shuts down dangerous rumors before they can spread and encourages Pelagia to help by healing others.

Megalo Velisarios Quotes in Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

The Captain Corelli’s Mandolin quotes below are all either spoken by Megalo Velisarios or refer to Megalo Velisarios. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
War: Horror, Beauty, and Humanity Theme Icon
Chapter 58 Quotes

He did not know it, but he buried Carlo in the soil of Odysseus' time, as though he had belonged there from the first.

Related Characters: Carlo Piero Guercio (speaker), Megalo Velisarios (speaker)
Page Number: 337
Explanation and Analysis:
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Megalo Velisarios Quotes in Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

The Captain Corelli’s Mandolin quotes below are all either spoken by Megalo Velisarios or refer to Megalo Velisarios. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
War: Horror, Beauty, and Humanity Theme Icon
Chapter 58 Quotes

He did not know it, but he buried Carlo in the soil of Odysseus' time, as though he had belonged there from the first.

Related Characters: Carlo Piero Guercio (speaker), Megalo Velisarios (speaker)
Page Number: 337
Explanation and Analysis: