Clap When You Land


Elizabeth Acevedo

Don Mateo Character Analysis

Don Mateo is Camino and Tía’s friend and neighbor. His gruff demeanor hides a caring, protective, and loving personality—he drives Camino to the airport to meet Papi and later to meet Yahaira, and he also spends a lot of time sitting with Tía and comforting her after his death is confirmed. Additionally, he set up a doghouse on stilts in his backyard for Vira Lata to use when their neighborhood floods.
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Don Mateo Character Timeline in Clap When You Land

The timeline below shows where the character Don Mateo appears in Clap When You Land. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1. Camino
Family Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...and Camino have been cooking for days. Camino thinks of the food as she begs Don Mateo to give her a ride to the airport. He grumbles but drops her off at... (full context)
Family Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
Money, Security, and Immigration Theme Icon
...believes that if you hold still and pray hard, sometimes the Saints will change things. Don Mateo ’s car’s air conditioning was broken, so Camino is hot and sweaty. But suddenly, she... (full context)
Grief Theme Icon
...Camino thinks this as she walks the four miles home. She’s not willing to call Don Mateo to come get her, though she knows he would. Camino thinks through all sorts of... (full context)
Chapter 3. Camino: One Day After
Family Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...the resort calls, wondering where she is. Once Carline is gone, Tía watches TV, holding Don Mateo ’s hands. (full context)
Chapter 5. Camino: Five Days After
Family Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...could get Mamá to a hospital. But Mamá didn’t want to go and wouldn’t let Don Mateo drive her, since she didn’t want to get him sick. In the end, Papi’s money... (full context)
Chapter 7. Camino: Nineteen Days After
Family Theme Icon
Secrets Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
...says that she’s heard rumors. Camino wishes she could carry the machete. Tía continues that Don Mateo and a fruit seller have seen El Cero waiting for Camino after school or on... (full context)
Family Theme Icon
Secrets Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon about healers—and he cares less about girls who are just “dollar signs” to him. Don Mateo is too old to help, and Tío Jorge doesn’t know Camino. There’s no one to... (full context)
Chapter 19. Camino
Family Theme Icon
Secrets Theme Icon
Money, Security, and Immigration Theme Icon
The entire way to the airport, Camino berates herself for agreeing to Yahaira’s plan. Don Mateo was his usual gruff self when he picked Camino up, but even he seems worried:... (full context)
Family Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...bite the rest to make them match. However, now her nails just look terrible. Finally, Don Mateo pulls up to the terminal. Camino finds she can’t get out of the car, and... (full context)
Chapter 20. Yahaira and Camino
Family Theme Icon
Secrets Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
...Lata doesn’t go far from here; he’s afraid of the busy street, and she and Don Mateo look out for him. However, Yahaira notices Vira Lata perk up when Camino looks like... (full context)