Clap When You Land


Elizabeth Acevedo

Tío Jorge Character Analysis

Tío Jorge is Papi’s brother; he’s both Yahaira and Camino’s uncle. However, while Camino has only heard of Tío Jorge, he and Yahaira have a close, loving, and supportive relationship; part of this is due to the fact that Tío Jorge lives in the same neighborhood and is physically around often. Before immigrating to the U.S., Tío Jorge practiced law in the Dominican Republic. He remained Papi’s legal advisor as Papi opened his pool hall, and he also seems to have advised Papi about how to protect Camino in his will. Once Papi dies, though, Mami rejects Tío Jorge’s counsel.

Tío Jorge Quotes in Clap When You Land

The Clap When You Land quotes below are all either spoken by Tío Jorge or refer to Tío Jorge. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family Theme Icon
Chapter 4 Quotes

Did I love chess?
I did chess.

But love? Like I
love watching beauty tutorials?


Or how I love Papi’s brother, Tío Jorge,
holding my hand and saying I make him proud

for myself not for what I win?

Like I loved my father, that kind of love?
Consuming, huge, a love that takes the wheel,

a love where I pretended to be something I wasn’t?
I did chess. I was obsessed with winning.

But never love.

Related Characters: Yahaira Rios (speaker), Papi, Mami/Zoila Rios, Andrea “Dre” Johnson, Tío Jorge
Related Symbols: Chess
Page Number: 93
Explanation and Analysis:
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Tío Jorge Quotes in Clap When You Land

The Clap When You Land quotes below are all either spoken by Tío Jorge or refer to Tío Jorge. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family Theme Icon
Chapter 4 Quotes

Did I love chess?
I did chess.

But love? Like I
love watching beauty tutorials?


Or how I love Papi’s brother, Tío Jorge,
holding my hand and saying I make him proud

for myself not for what I win?

Like I loved my father, that kind of love?
Consuming, huge, a love that takes the wheel,

a love where I pretended to be something I wasn’t?
I did chess. I was obsessed with winning.

But never love.

Related Characters: Yahaira Rios (speaker), Papi, Mami/Zoila Rios, Andrea “Dre” Johnson, Tío Jorge
Related Symbols: Chess
Page Number: 93
Explanation and Analysis: