Clap When You Land


Elizabeth Acevedo

Vira Lata Character Analysis

Vira Lata is the neighborhood stray dog who attached himself long ago to Camino. He sticks pretty close to Camino’s house, though when it floods, he lives in an elevated doghouse that Don Mateo made him. Though Vira Lata isn’t a particularly aggressive dog, he does growl at El Cero and seems to understand that El Cero means to hurt Camino—Vira Lata is the one to alert Mami, Tía, and Yahaira to the fact that Camino is in trouble and needs help. At the end of the novel, Vira Lata attaches himself to Tía, suggesting that he’ll have someone to continue caring for him once Camino leaves the country.
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Vira Lata Character Timeline in Clap When You Land

The timeline below shows where the character Vira Lata appears in Clap When You Land. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1. Camino
Family Theme Icon
...need to rebel. They gather breakfast, lock up the house, and find the neighborhood stray, Vira Lata , waiting for them at the gate. Vira Lata might be a stray, but he’s... (full context)
Grief Theme Icon
...while ignoring news alerts on her phone. When she gets to her neighborhood, she greets Vira Lata . It’s not true that Papi was on that plane. (full context)
Chapter 3. Camino: One Day After
Money, Security, and Immigration Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
...pulls on her red swimsuit, sneaks out the back door, and hurries to the beach; Vira Lata follows her. Camino passes a few men sitting in front of bars, including El Cero.... (full context)
Grief Theme Icon
Money, Security, and Immigration Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
...was coming. She plans her route out of the water to avoid El Cero, wishing Vira Lata were more aggressive; El Cero, not the water, is the most dangerous thing here. Calmly,... (full context)
Chapter 7. Camino: Nineteen Days After
Grief Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
...But today, after Camino finishes swimming, El Cero walks up to her on the beach. Vira Lata didn’t accompany Camino to the beach today, but Camino scans the trees for him anyway.... (full context)
Chapter 9. Camino
Family Theme Icon
Money, Security, and Immigration Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
...and get him to leave her alone. But El Cero won’t leave. At the beach, Vira Lata sits on Camino’s clothes and watches El Cero. It’s nice not to be alone. But... (full context)
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon—and suddenly, Camino is enraged. She screams, pulls away, and shoves the man. This excites Vira Lata , whose barking distracts the men while Camino races away. Sobbing, Camino feels like her... (full context)
Chapter 20. Yahaira and Camino
Family Theme Icon
Secrets Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
Yahaira helps Camino pick herbs for tea, which reminds her of Dre. Vira Lata asks to enter the yard, and Yahaira asks if the dog follows Camino everywhere. She... (full context)
Family Theme Icon
Money, Security, and Immigration Theme Icon
...still the middle of the night, so it’s too early to begin the four-mile walk. Vira Lata whines as Camino decides there’s one last place she must visit before she leaves. Camino... (full context)
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon Camino, but she’s clearly American. He’d like to meet her. Camino steps back as Vira Lata growls. She’s shaking, but she tries to tell herself it’s the rain and not that... (full context)
Family Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
Money, Security, and Immigration Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
...a debt and holds the items above his head, like this is just a game. Vira Lata races away, barking, as thunder sounds. Suddenly enraged, Camino says that El Cero is a... (full context)
Family Theme Icon
Money, Security, and Immigration Theme Icon
...both, “For once.” She notices a new envelope with Tía’s name on it, just as Vira Lata begins barking outside like he’s being attacked. The dog is alone, though. Yahaira is sure... (full context)
Secrets Theme Icon
Growing Up and Sexual Violence Theme Icon
...tries hard to protect Carline; she wouldn’t have made Carline complicit. Then, they all hear Vira Lata whine. Tía and Yahaira lock eyes: they know where Camino went. (full context)
Family Theme Icon
Grief Theme Icon
...Yahaira, Camino, and Mami leave the Dominican Republic, they sit around the table with Tía. Vira Lata sits by Tía; he hasn’t left her side since that night. Mami suggests that they... (full context)