Mamá Quotes in Clap When You Land
Mami still had an air around Papi,
like he was a medicine she knew she needed
even as she cringed at the taste.
But now I wonder
if it was always more than that.
Maybe Mami knew about the other woman?
Even without seeing the certificate.
I think of how the word unhappy houses
so many unanswered questions.
Tía Lidia puts her hand over mine. “Your mother is having
a tough time. Their marriage wasn’t easy, & she has so much
she’s dealing with. Yano was a great father to you,
& I know you loved him, but he wasn’t always a great husband.”
& I don’t know how one man can be so many different things
to the people he was closest to. But I nod. I almost slip and ask
does everyone know? But if they don’t I can’t be the one
to reveal the dirt on my father’s name.
Mamá Quotes in Clap When You Land
Mami still had an air around Papi,
like he was a medicine she knew she needed
even as she cringed at the taste.
But now I wonder
if it was always more than that.
Maybe Mami knew about the other woman?
Even without seeing the certificate.
I think of how the word unhappy houses
so many unanswered questions.
Tía Lidia puts her hand over mine. “Your mother is having
a tough time. Their marriage wasn’t easy, & she has so much
she’s dealing with. Yano was a great father to you,
& I know you loved him, but he wasn’t always a great husband.”
& I don’t know how one man can be so many different things
to the people he was closest to. But I nod. I almost slip and ask
does everyone know? But if they don’t I can’t be the one
to reveal the dirt on my father’s name.