Clap When You Land


Elizabeth Acevedo

Mamá is Camino’s mother. She died of dengue fever about nine years before the novel begins. Like Zoila, who was her childhood friend, Mamá was married to Papi—but unlike Zoila, Mamá found out much later that her marriage, which was Papi’s second, wasn’t actually valid. Despite this, Papi supported Mamá, Tía, and Camino financially and visited them every summer. Though Camino has fond memories of her mother, she doesn’t miss Mamá all that much. This is mostly due to Camino’s strong relationship with Tía, who was Mamá’s good friend.

Mamá Quotes in Clap When You Land

The Clap When You Land quotes below are all either spoken by Mamá or refer to Mamá. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

Mami still had an air around Papi,
like he was a medicine she knew she needed

even as she cringed at the taste.

But now I wonder
if it was always more than that.

Maybe Mami knew about the other woman?
Even without seeing the certificate.

I think of how the word unhappy houses
so many unanswered questions.

Related Characters: Yahaira Rios (speaker), Papi, Mami/Zoila Rios, Mamá
Page Number: 231
Explanation and Analysis:

Tía Lidia puts her hand over mine. “Your mother is having
a tough time. Their marriage wasn’t easy, & she has so much
she’s dealing with. Yano was a great father to you,

& I know you loved him, but he wasn’t always a great husband.”
& I don’t know how one man can be so many different things

to the people he was closest to. But I nod. I almost slip and ask
does everyone know? But if they don’t I can’t be the one

to reveal the dirt on my father’s name.

Related Characters: Yahaira Rios (speaker), Papi, Mami/Zoila Rios, Mamá
Page Number: 232-233
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mamá Quotes in Clap When You Land

The Clap When You Land quotes below are all either spoken by Mamá or refer to Mamá. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Family Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

Mami still had an air around Papi,
like he was a medicine she knew she needed

even as she cringed at the taste.

But now I wonder
if it was always more than that.

Maybe Mami knew about the other woman?
Even without seeing the certificate.

I think of how the word unhappy houses
so many unanswered questions.

Related Characters: Yahaira Rios (speaker), Papi, Mami/Zoila Rios, Mamá
Page Number: 231
Explanation and Analysis:

Tía Lidia puts her hand over mine. “Your mother is having
a tough time. Their marriage wasn’t easy, & she has so much
she’s dealing with. Yano was a great father to you,

& I know you loved him, but he wasn’t always a great husband.”
& I don’t know how one man can be so many different things

to the people he was closest to. But I nod. I almost slip and ask
does everyone know? But if they don’t I can’t be the one

to reveal the dirt on my father’s name.

Related Characters: Yahaira Rios (speaker), Papi, Mami/Zoila Rios, Mamá
Page Number: 232-233
Explanation and Analysis: