Leaf by Niggle


J. R. R. Tolkien

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Councillor Tompkins Character Analysis

Councillor Tompkins is an official of high importance from Niggle’s town. At the end of the story, he discusses Niggle’s life and work with Atkins—another one of the townspeople—and dismisses Niggle’s painting as “private day-dreaming.” Tompkins does not find much value in art except if it has been created to share information or aid productivity, and his authority suggests that this is a view held by many townspeople. His character is further revealed when Atkins reminds him that his second residence is actually Niggle’s old house and that, instead of showing gratitude, Tompkins only complains and criticizes. Ultimately, his character betrays the society’s dismissive views of art, but at the same time suggests that these views are not themselves virtuous. In other words, brashness and greediness go hand in hand with a disregard for creative endeavors.

Councillor Tompkins Quotes in Leaf by Niggle

The Leaf by Niggle quotes below are all either spoken by Councillor Tompkins or refer to Councillor Tompkins. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Value of Art Theme Icon
Leaf by Niggle Quotes

“Of course, painting has uses,” said Tompkins. “But you couldn’t make use of his painting. There is plenty of scope for bold young men not afraid of new ideas and new methods. None for this old-fashioned stuff. Private daydreaming. He could not have designed a telling poster to save his life. Always fiddling with leaves and flowers. I asked him why, once. He said he thought they were pretty. Can you believe it? He said pretty! ‘What, digestive and genital organs of plants?’ I said to him; and he had nothing to answer. Silly footler.”

Related Characters: Councillor Tompkins (speaker), Niggle
Related Symbols: Niggle’s Painting
Page Number: 40-41
Explanation and Analysis:
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Councillor Tompkins Quotes in Leaf by Niggle

The Leaf by Niggle quotes below are all either spoken by Councillor Tompkins or refer to Councillor Tompkins. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Value of Art Theme Icon
Leaf by Niggle Quotes

“Of course, painting has uses,” said Tompkins. “But you couldn’t make use of his painting. There is plenty of scope for bold young men not afraid of new ideas and new methods. None for this old-fashioned stuff. Private daydreaming. He could not have designed a telling poster to save his life. Always fiddling with leaves and flowers. I asked him why, once. He said he thought they were pretty. Can you believe it? He said pretty! ‘What, digestive and genital organs of plants?’ I said to him; and he had nothing to answer. Silly footler.”

Related Characters: Councillor Tompkins (speaker), Niggle
Related Symbols: Niggle’s Painting
Page Number: 40-41
Explanation and Analysis: