Leaf by Niggle


J. R. R. Tolkien

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The shepherd appears when Niggle ventures to the foot of the mountains after he has finished tending to the land of his painting. He offers himself to Niggle as a guide and reveals that he knows about the life Niggle led before arriving in this new land, further emphasizing the mystical element of the story and suggesting that one’s actions and attitudes in life bear a degree of importance in the afterlife.
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The Shepherd Character Timeline in Leaf by Niggle

The timeline below shows where the character The Shepherd appears in Leaf by Niggle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Leaf by Niggle
The Afterlife Theme Icon
...land, they go for a long walk and reach the foot of the mountains. A shepherd walks down the slope to them and asks if they want a guide to lead... (full context)
The Value of Art Theme Icon
Parish asks the shepherd what the country they’re in is called. The shepherd tells him it’s called Niggle’s Country.... (full context)