Leaf by Niggle


J. R. R. Tolkien

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Parish’s Wife Character Analysis

Parish’s wife lives with Parish in the house next to Niggle’s home. She refers to Niggle in an offhand way as “that Mr. Niggle” and is perhaps slyer than Parish himself in taking advantage of their neighbor. It’s clear that Parish is devoted to her, given that he stays behind to wait for her when Niggle goes into the mountains with the shepherd.
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Parish’s Wife Character Timeline in Leaf by Niggle

The timeline below shows where the character Parish’s Wife appears in Leaf by Niggle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Leaf by Niggle
The Value of Art Theme Icon
Creativity vs. Practicality Theme Icon
Actions vs. Intentions Theme Icon
Parish explains that his wife has fallen ill and his house has been damaged by the stormy weather. He asks... (full context)
The Natural World Theme Icon
...with a fever from the cold rain. The next day, the doctor visits not only Parish’s wife but Niggle, too. While Niggle is sick, he imagines leaves sprouting in his mind and... (full context)
The Afterlife Theme Icon
...should, go on, but Parish does not yet feel ready: he wants to wait for his wife . (full context)