Leaf by Niggle


J. R. R. Tolkien

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The Mountains Symbol Icon

The mountains, which feature both in Niggle’s painting and in the land he enters after leaving the Workhouse, symbolize the unknown that follows death. Niggle struggles to paint the mountains perfectly, not quite able to work out the right slant of light on one of the peaks. Yet he knows that the mountains exist somehow outside of his painting, in the distance. And when he leaves the Workhouse and enters the land that resembles his painting, the mountains are indeed there in the distance. Similarly, it’s not clear to humans what might happen when we die: the reality of death definitely exists in the distance, but its exact details are unknown. Furthermore, Niggle’s feeling that he is trying to capture the image of the mountains, rather than trying to dream them up himself, suggests that one can strangely intuit certain elements of paradise (or whatever follows death) in everyday life.

The Mountains Quotes in Leaf by Niggle

The Leaf by Niggle quotes below all refer to the symbol of The Mountains. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Value of Art Theme Icon
Leaf by Niggle Quotes

There was one picture in particular which bothered him. It had begun with a leaf caught in the wind, and it became a tree; and the tree grew, sending out innumerable branches, and thrusting out the most fantastic roots. Strange birds came and settled on the twigs and had to be attended to. Then all round the Tree, and behind it, through the gaps in the leaves and boughs, a country began to open out; and there were glimpses of a forest marching over the land, and of mountains tipped with snow.

Related Characters: Niggle
Related Symbols: Niggle’s Painting, The Mountains
Page Number: 10
Explanation and Analysis:

You could go on and on, but perhaps not for ever. There were the Mountains in the background. They did get nearer, very slowly. They did not seem to belong to the picture, or only as a link to something else, a glimpse through the trees of something different, a further stage: another picture.

Related Symbols: The Mountains
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Mountains Symbol Timeline in Leaf by Niggle

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Mountains appears in Leaf by Niggle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Leaf by Niggle
Creativity vs. Practicality Theme Icon
The Natural World Theme Icon
...into a landscape with a huge tree and a vast background of a forest and mountains. To house this painting, he has built a shed on the patch of land where... (full context)
The Value of Art Theme Icon
The Afterlife Theme Icon
Creativity vs. Practicality Theme Icon
Actions vs. Intentions Theme Icon
...his painting. As he attempts to perfect the light on the peak of a distant mountain on the canvas, he considers his imminent journey. He has only just enough time to... (full context)
The Value of Art Theme Icon
The Afterlife Theme Icon
Creativity vs. Practicality Theme Icon
The Natural World Theme Icon
...birds are flying into the forest (the forest from his painting), beyond which are the mountains Niggle painted and imagined. (full context)
The Afterlife Theme Icon
Creativity vs. Practicality Theme Icon
The Natural World Theme Icon
...distance, it retains the quality of being distant “without turning into mere surroundings.” However, the mountains in the distance slowly get closer, and they seem to signify the start of another... (full context)
The Afterlife Theme Icon
Niggle finds himself looking to the mountains more and more. On the evening that he and Parish complete their work on the... (full context)
The Value of Art Theme Icon
The Afterlife Theme Icon
The Natural World Theme Icon
...looks back at the blossoming tree one last time before turning to walk into the mountains with the shepherd. (full context)
The Value of Art Theme Icon
The Afterlife Theme Icon
...Niggle’s Country as a place of convalescence for many people before they journey into the mountains. It has been so effective that the Second Voice has sent increasing numbers through the... (full context)