Leaf by Niggle


J. R. R. Tolkien

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The Porter Character Analysis

The Porter first appears on the platform at the station where Niggle gets off the first train. Instead of yelling the name of the stop, he yells Niggle’s name, implying he has some knowledge of Niggle and his journey. The second time they meet is when Niggle is leaving the Workhouse and getting on his next train. The Porter acts as a guide more than a typical station porter, and his specific connection to Niggle is quite uncanny, emphasizing the story’s fantastical elements.
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The Porter Character Timeline in Leaf by Niggle

The timeline below shows where the character The Porter appears in Leaf by Niggle. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Leaf by Niggle
The Afterlife Theme Icon
...stopped in a large station. Instead of calling out the name of the stop, the Porter yells Niggle’s name. In his hurry to leave the train, Niggle forgets his little bag... (full context)
The Afterlife Theme Icon
At the station, the Porter recognizes Niggle immediately and directs him to a clean, bright train with only one car.... (full context)
The Value of Art Theme Icon
The Afterlife Theme Icon
...decide on an official name for the place, and the Second Voice replies that the Porter has already chosen one: “Niggle’s Parish.” He tells the First Voice that when Niggle and... (full context)