Mother Courage and Her Children


Bertolt Brecht

The Top Sergeant is one of the soldiers who recruit Eilif into the war in the first scene. (The other is the Recruiting Officer.) The Sergeant boasts about his success in the military and makes fun of Eilif’s reservations about fighting, but when Mother Courage foretells that he will die, he grows terrified, which shows that he was lying about his bravery all along.

Top Sergeant Quotes in Mother Courage and Her Children

The Mother Courage and Her Children quotes below are all either spoken by Top Sergeant or refer to Top Sergeant. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
War, Failure, and Despair Theme Icon
Scene 1 Quotes

What they could use around here is a good war. What else can you expect with peace running wild all over the place? You know what the trouble with peace is? No organization. And when do you get organization? In a war. Peace is one big waste of equipment. Anything goes, no one gives a damn. See the way they eat? Cheese on rye, bacon on the cheese? Disgusting! How many horses they got in this town? How many young men? Nobody knows! They haven’t bothered to count ’em! That’s peace for you!!

Related Characters: Top Sergeant (speaker), The Recruiting Officer
Page Number: 23-24
Explanation and Analysis:

(She draws a knife.) Yes, just you try, and I’ll cut you down like dogs! We sell cloth, we sell ham, we are peaceful people!

Related Characters: Mother Courage (speaker), Eilif, Top Sergeant, The Recruiting Officer
Page Number: 29
Explanation and Analysis:

Well, there’s yours, Eilif, my boy! (As EILIF takes the slip, she snatches it and holds it up.) See? A cross!


Take yours, Swiss Cheese. You should be a better bet—you’re my good boy. (SWISS CHEESE draws.) Don’t tell me it’s a cross? Is there no saving you either? Just look, Sergeant—a black cross!


(to KATTRIN) Now all I have left is you. You’re a cross in yourself but you have a kind heart. (She holds the helmet up but takes the slip herself.) Oh dear, there must be some mistake! Don’t be too kind, Kattrin, don’t be too kind—there’s a black cross in your path! So now you all know: be careful! Be very careful! (MOTHER COURAGE climbs on her wagon preparing to leave.)

Related Characters: Mother Courage (speaker), Eilif, Swiss Cheese, Kattrin, Top Sergeant
Related Symbols: The Wagon
Page Number: 31-32
Explanation and Analysis:

When a war gives you all you earn
One day it may claim something in return!

Related Characters: Top Sergeant (speaker), Mother Courage
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis:
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Top Sergeant Quotes in Mother Courage and Her Children

The Mother Courage and Her Children quotes below are all either spoken by Top Sergeant or refer to Top Sergeant. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
War, Failure, and Despair Theme Icon
Scene 1 Quotes

What they could use around here is a good war. What else can you expect with peace running wild all over the place? You know what the trouble with peace is? No organization. And when do you get organization? In a war. Peace is one big waste of equipment. Anything goes, no one gives a damn. See the way they eat? Cheese on rye, bacon on the cheese? Disgusting! How many horses they got in this town? How many young men? Nobody knows! They haven’t bothered to count ’em! That’s peace for you!!

Related Characters: Top Sergeant (speaker), The Recruiting Officer
Page Number: 23-24
Explanation and Analysis:

(She draws a knife.) Yes, just you try, and I’ll cut you down like dogs! We sell cloth, we sell ham, we are peaceful people!

Related Characters: Mother Courage (speaker), Eilif, Top Sergeant, The Recruiting Officer
Page Number: 29
Explanation and Analysis:

Well, there’s yours, Eilif, my boy! (As EILIF takes the slip, she snatches it and holds it up.) See? A cross!


Take yours, Swiss Cheese. You should be a better bet—you’re my good boy. (SWISS CHEESE draws.) Don’t tell me it’s a cross? Is there no saving you either? Just look, Sergeant—a black cross!


(to KATTRIN) Now all I have left is you. You’re a cross in yourself but you have a kind heart. (She holds the helmet up but takes the slip herself.) Oh dear, there must be some mistake! Don’t be too kind, Kattrin, don’t be too kind—there’s a black cross in your path! So now you all know: be careful! Be very careful! (MOTHER COURAGE climbs on her wagon preparing to leave.)

Related Characters: Mother Courage (speaker), Eilif, Swiss Cheese, Kattrin, Top Sergeant
Related Symbols: The Wagon
Page Number: 31-32
Explanation and Analysis:

When a war gives you all you earn
One day it may claim something in return!

Related Characters: Top Sergeant (speaker), Mother Courage
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis: