Mother Courage and Her Children


Bertolt Brecht

A capon is a castrated male chicken.

Capon Quotes in Mother Courage and Her Children

The Mother Courage and Her Children quotes below are all either spoken by Capon or refer to Capon. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
War, Failure, and Despair Theme Icon
Scene 2 Quotes

MOTHER COURAGE. My eldest. It’s two years since I saw him. He must be high in favor—the Commander inviting him to dinner! And what do you have to eat? Nothing. The Commander’s guest wants meat! Take my advice: buy the capon. The price is one hundred hellers.

(The COMMANDER has sat down with EILIF and the CHAPLAIN.)

COMMANDER. (roaring) Dinner, you pig! Or I’ll have your head!

COOK. This is blackmail. Give me the damn thing!

Related Characters: Mother Courage (speaker), The Cook (speaker), The Swedish Commander (speaker), Eilif, The Chaplain
Page Number: 36
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Capon Term Timeline in Mother Courage and Her Children

The timeline below shows where the term Capon appears in Mother Courage and Her Children. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Scene 2
War, Failure, and Despair Theme Icon
Profit, Violence, and Power Theme Icon
...with her negotiating a deal with the Dutch Cook: she wants 60 hellers for a capon, but he protests that they’re usually “ten hellers a dozen.” She points out that they’re... (full context)
War, Failure, and Despair Theme Icon
Profit, Violence, and Power Theme Icon
Love and Nurture Theme Icon
Theater, Performance, and History Theme Icon
...he must be doing well in the army and tells the Cook to buy the capon for 100 hellers. He protests, but reluctantly agrees. She starts plucking off its feathers. (full context)