The Dream House


Craig Higginson

Themes and Colors
Privilege, Understanding, and Historical Change Theme Icon
Truth, Accountability, and Memory Theme Icon
Parental Love vs. Romantic Love Theme Icon
Rebirth and New Beginnings  Theme Icon
Humor, Ignorance, and Denial Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Dream House, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Rebirth and New Beginnings  Theme Icon

The Dream House examines the idea of “rebirth,” ultimately questioning whether or not new beginnings truly exist. Early in the novel, Richard—the elderly husband of white South African Patricia—asks her whether they’re already dead. The question shows Richard’s dementia, but it also suggests that Richard and Patricia are dead in a metaphorical sense—emotionally, spiritually, or otherwise—and thus might be reborn. Indeed, as Richard loses his memories, he becomes more and more infantile: he calls Beauty (his employee) his mother, Beauty at one point mistakes him for a lost child, and he hallucinates that he is moving back in time to a period in which nobody has been born yet and everyone has “their whole lives ahead of them.” Like Richard, Patricia flirts with the possibility of rebirth—in her case, through having children. When her baby was born dead, Patricia failed to find happiness in anything until she took on a maternal role toward Looksmart, a Black South African child whose mother worked on Patricia’s farm. Patricia sees Rachel’s death as her own figurative death and Looksmart as her figurative rebirth. Yet both Richard’s regression to childhood and Patricia’s informal adoption of Looksmart are false rebirths: their past lives continue to impinge on their present after the “rebirth” occurs. Even as his memory disintegrates, Richard can’t help but recall how he murdered dairy worker Grace while she was pregnant with his baby. His two dead children, by Patricia and by Grace, still haunt him. Meanwhile, Patricia’s attempt to make Looksmart her son cannot survive either South Africa’s white supremacist history or her own personal history, since she alienated herself from him by failing to help Grace—the woman he loved—get to the hospital in time to save her life. Thus, the novel implies that new beginnings are inherently hard to come by, since everything in life is impacted by the past. In the world of the novel, then, the idea of “rebirth” is little more than a false sense of hope for an impossibly blank slate.

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Rebirth and New Beginnings Quotes in The Dream House

Below you will find the important quotes in The Dream House related to the theme of Rebirth and New Beginnings .
Chapter 1 Quotes

She doesn’t know what possessed them to plant those trees. To protect them from the wind, the sun, the view? It hardly matters now. Soon the trees will be cut down and cleared away, along with everything else. The people who come to live here afterwards will know nothing about any of them, and maybe it will be better that way.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Richard Wiley, Grace (Noma)
Related Symbols: The Wileys’ House
Page Number: 3
Explanation and Analysis:

“Are we dead yet?”


“You will tell me when we’re dead?”

“If I can, Roo, I will.”

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley (speaker), Richard Wiley (speaker), Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu), Beauty (Togo), Grace (Noma)
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:

“So you’re off tomorrow,” he says, already knowing the answer.

“Straight after breakfast.”

“Without a backward glance, I hope.”

“In my experience, backward glances only crick the neck.”

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley (speaker), John Ford (speaker), Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu), Grace (Noma)
Page Number: 18
Explanation and Analysis:

The problem of what to do with the past would have to carry on in the future.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Beauty (Togo), Richard Wiley, Grace (Noma)
Related Symbols: The Wileys’ House
Page Number: 22
Explanation and Analysis:

He has a shameful secret: even today, he’s unaccustomed to the freedom he’s been given to drive around the country and go wherever he likes. Whenever he sits down in a restaurant or cinema, surrounded by white people, a part of him still expects someone to ask him politely to leave. It is a thing he could never mention to his daughters or even his wife. They would laugh at him and accuse him of making it up. Yet it is a thing he feels: he is an intruder in his own land, condemned to arriving at places where he will never quite belong.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu), Richard Wiley
Related Symbols: Cars
Page Number: 34
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 3 Quotes

He’s never understood the workings of the house. The fact is it was never his house, but hers, handed down from her father. While he was there on good behaviour. Which is why he thinks he chose bad behaviour.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Richard Wiley, Grace (Noma), Patricia’s Father, Rachel
Related Symbols: The Wileys’ House
Page Number: 103
Explanation and Analysis:

He was a fool for coming here. But what did he expect? A miraculous transformation? People like her are still sitting in their houses. People like him are still looking in.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu), Grace (Noma)
Related Symbols: The Wileys’ House
Page Number: 116
Explanation and Analysis:

Each time, the house is less built. Is it that he is going further back in time? Is he going backwards the more he runs? If so then when will he stop? What is he aimed at? He stands on the large concrete slab in the middle of nowhere and ponders this, and eventually he sits.

It is not so much that he is dead. It is more that no one appears to have been born. They still have their whole lives ahead of them. Nothing that needs to be undone has yet been done.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu), Beauty (Togo), Richard Wiley, Bheki
Related Symbols: The Wileys’ House
Page Number: 136-137
Explanation and Analysis:

“No one knows what I saw.”

Beauty seems to say this with the knowledge that this statement, for the first time, is no longer true: two others now know what she saw. What she saw no longer belongs to her: it will become a part of the general story that is used to define her sister.

Related Characters: Beauty (Togo) (speaker), Patricia Wiley, Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu), Richard Wiley, Grace (Noma)
Related Symbols: Dogs
Page Number: 149
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 4 Quotes

For the past six months, he has had a lover: a white woman with a daughter who attends the same school as his girls. She is wealthy and lives alone on a hill that overlooks the old city centre of Johannesburg. Her house is made almost entirely of pale blue glass, and yet she remains to him opaque. They are dipping their toes into the forbidden, as one might try out a new drug.

He doesn’t even particularly like his lover—as a person, that is—but at the time he didn’t have the right words to repel her. Nor did he have the inclination, in spite of not quite liking her: he was too curious, even flattered, to turn away.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu), Grace (Noma), Looksmart’s Mother
Page Number: 173
Explanation and Analysis:

It may be his dream house—this house transformed almost beyond recognition—but it still comes from her. Perhaps too much from her. Perhaps even today he’s too attached to his pain—and all he’s managing to do is reproduce it, with slight variations, all across the valley.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu)
Related Symbols: The Wileys’ House
Page Number: 178
Explanation and Analysis:

Nothing has ever come back to her. Everything around her—and much that has been happening in the country at large has only confirmed this—has only ever held evidence of loss or decay.

But recently she has also been observing all the new buildings starting up out of the earth, and the green crops of weeds appearing in the most improbable places. A few days ago, when she and Bheki were driving into the village, she noticed a cloud of yellow butterflies hovering around the weeds and spilling over across their path. Bheki drove on through them as though they weren’t there, and neither of them said a word about it, but in that instant Patricia saw that there was an altogether different way of viewing the world: as an inexhaustible source of renewal and growth.

Related Characters: Patricia Wiley, Looksmart (Phiwayinkosi Ndlovu), Richard Wiley, Grace (Noma), Looksmart’s Mother
Related Symbols: The Wileys’ House
Page Number: 181
Explanation and Analysis: