The Edible Woman


Margaret Atwood

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Trevor is one of Duncan’s roommates and a fellow English PhD student at Duncan’s university. Trevor comes from a wealthy family known for manufacturing coconut cookies, though he does not like advertising this ritzy background. Trevor is a skilled cook and a dedicated host, even inviting Marian over for an elaborate dinner party. Alongside Fish, Duncan fondly—and dismissively—labels Trevor as one of his “understudy mothers,” caring for him the way his deceased parents cannot.
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Trevor Character Timeline in The Edible Woman

The timeline below shows where the character Trevor appears in The Edible Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
...loose papers. Marian tries to sit, but the pale man warns her that his roommates Trevor and Fish will be angry if she moves any of their stuff; Marian wonders if... (full context)
Language, Meaning, and Alienation Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
Before Marian can get frustrated, Trevor and Fish arrive. Marian goes to see herself out. As she leaves, she hears one... (full context)
Chapter 11
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
...has nothing else to do. Plus, Duncan needs an excuse to get out of his apartment—Trevor and Fish are always arguing about literature. “Words are beginning to lose their meaning,” Duncan... (full context)
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon None of his roommates are from here; he is from a small town, and Trevor and Fish are from wealthy families in pretty cities, far away. Duncan also admits that... (full context)
Chapter 16
Language, Meaning, and Alienation Theme Icon
...that he smashed the mirror himself, “a perfectly understandable symbolic narcissistic gesture” that deeply concerned Trevor and Fish (whom Duncan calls his “understudy mothers”). (full context)
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
Language, Meaning, and Alienation Theme Icon
...should be offended by this, but she finds herself strangely at ease. At that moment, Trevor and Fish come in, and Duncan pretends as if he and Marian were playing chess,... (full context)
Chapter 21
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
...over to her place. And he never lets Marian come to his apartment, even though Trevor and Fish are eager to have Marian over for dinner and “welcome [her] to the... (full context)
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
Just then, Marian spots Trevor and Fish across the coffee shop. Marian tells Duncan to go say hello to his... (full context)
Chapter 22
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon in her purse for the evening. As soon as Marian enters, it is clear Trevor is cooking up a storm, setting out fancy glassware and a bottle of sherry. To... (full context)
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
Trevor interrupts, cattily dismissing Fish’s theories as outdated. Besides, dinner is served: the first course is... (full context)
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Trevor clears the plates and then brings soup; Fish continues his argument, his mouth full. Fish... (full context)
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
Meanwhile, Marian is desperate to avoid eating the meat on her plate without offending Trevor. So every time Trevor leaves to attend to more dinner party tasks, Marian chucks a... (full context)
Chapter 25
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
Language, Meaning, and Alienation Theme Icon, Marian calls Duncan and begs him to come to Peter’s party tonight, even inviting Trevor and Fish. The idea of having her own friends at the party calms Marian, so... (full context)
Chapter 26
Consumerism and Consumption Theme Icon
...predictably calm and condescending. Now, the only thing for Marian to worry about is how Trevor and Fish might react when they learn she is engaged. (full context)
Chapter 27
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
...Marian fears Lucy and Millie and Emmy will not be any happier when they see Trevor and Fish, the party’s only bachelors. Then Clara and Joe arrive, with Len in tow.... (full context)
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Consumerism and Consumption Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
...Ainsley’s sudden serenity strikes Marian as a sign of danger. And to make matters worse, Trevor, Duncan, and Fish have all arrived. When Marian enters the door, Trevor does not even... (full context)