The Edible Woman


Margaret Atwood

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Cameras Symbol Analysis

Cameras Symbol Icon

For Marian, cameras come to symbolize how Peter—and more broadly, marriage as an institution—are trying to trap and possess her. Peter is fascinated by cameras, having discovered in photography a more peaceful hobby that can replace his bachelor hunting trips with Trigger. Though Marian initially supports this hobby, even buying Peter a book on photography for Christmas, she gradually begins to see something more sinister in Peter’s love of capturing life via still images. At drinks with Leonard Slank, for example, Peter conflates his picture-taking habits with his hunting skills, using the word “shots” to describe both gunshots and camera shots. From this moment on, Marian sees cameras as suspect and (increasingly) terrifying.

In the novel’s climactic scene, when Peter walks around taking photos at his engagement party, Marian panics, as if being photographed will turn her into one of the frozen advertisements framed on Peter’s walls. “She could not let him catch her this time,” Marian thinks, doing her best to avoid the camera lens. “Once he pulled that trigger she would be stopped, fixed indissolubly in that gesture, that single stance, unable to move or change.” After all, cameras are all about turning nuanced, moving life into a fixed image. And just as Marian fears being photographed, she fears that this picture-perfect stagnancy (being “unable to move or change”) is all that lies in store for her should she become Peter’s wife.

Cameras Quotes in The Edible Woman

The The Edible Woman quotes below all refer to the symbol of Cameras. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Chapter 8 Quotes

“One shot, right through the heart. The rest of them got away. I picked it up and Trigger said, ‘You know how to gut them, you just slit her down the belly and give her a good hard shake and all the guts’ll fall out.’ So I whipped out my knife, good knife, German steel, and slit the belly and took her by the hind legs […] God it was funny. Lucky thing Trigger and me had the old cameras along, we got some good shots of the whole mess.”

After a while I noticed with mild curiosity that a large drop of something wet had materialized on the table near my hand. I poked it with my finger and smudged it around a little before I realized with horror that it was a tear. I must be crying then!

Related Characters: Marian McAlpin (speaker), Peter Wollander (speaker), Leonard Slank, Trigger
Related Symbols: Cameras
Page Number: 70
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 27 Quotes

“Was that one of me?” she asked. She smiled at [Peter] in conciliation. She sensed her face as vastly spreading and papery and slightly dilapidated: a huge billboard smile, peeling away in flaps and patches, the metal surface beneath showing through […]

In the living room Peter was calling above the noise “Come on now, let's get a group portrait. Everybody altogether.” She had to hurry. Now there was the living room to negotiate. She would have to become less visible.

[…] She could not let him capture her this time. Once he pulled the trigger she would be stopped, fixed indissolubly in that gesture, that single stance, unable to move or change.

Related Characters: Marian McAlpin (speaker), Peter Wollander (speaker)
Related Symbols: Cameras
Page Number: 268
Explanation and Analysis:
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Cameras Symbol Timeline in The Edible Woman

The timeline below shows where the symbol Cameras appears in The Edible Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
...sparely, with Danish modern furniture; he also prominently displays his stash of hunting rifles and cameras, his most prized possessions. (full context)
Chapter 8
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Consumerism and Consumption Theme Icon
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
...As they leave the bar, Marian hears Len invite Peter over to look at his camera equipment. As soon as they are outside, Marian runs away. (full context)
Chapter 9
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Language, Meaning, and Alienation Theme Icon
...Len’s, where Len pours them all generous drinks. While Len and Peter discuss Len’s various cameras, Ainsley sits quietly, drinking a diet Coke and waiting passively (Marian thinks) for her prey... (full context)
Chapter 17
Consumerism and Consumption Theme Icon
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
...bought a book on marriage, an instruction manual like the ones he has for his cameras. Indeed, Peter seems to be sizing her up, trying to find “the springs of the... (full context)
Chapter 19
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Consumerism and Consumption Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
...around her ankles, Marian thinks about the gift she got for Peter: a book about cameras. Marian stares at a frozen-over fountain, hoping she does not end up like that girl... (full context)
Chapter 26
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
...Outside Peter’s room, the city is still and covered in snow. As Peter adjusts his camera, Marian feels herself panicking, the muscles in her face tightening. Fortunately, before Peter can snap... (full context)
Chapter 27
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Consumerism and Consumption Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
...Lucy is flirting with Peter, batting her silver-painted eyelashes while Peter excitedly shows her his camera. Marian also sees that Len has noticed Ainsley, and Ainsley’s sudden serenity strikes Marian as... (full context)
Bodies, Pregnancy, and Food Theme Icon
...if they are to meet each other. Inside, Marian hears Peter taking pictures with his camera, crowing that he caught one of his friends “in the act!” Duncan takes off, smiling... (full context)
Gendered Expectations vs. Personal Identity Theme Icon
Routine, Repetition, and Resistance Theme Icon
...“coping”), but there is no more clean glassware. Peter is still walking around with his camera in tow, and Marian wonders who the “real Peter” is. Will he be like one... (full context)
Consumerism and Consumption Theme Icon
The real Peter is there again, pointing his camera at Marian for a flash picture. Marian screams, not wanting to be photographed; she pictures... (full context)