The Two Noble Kinsmen


William Shakespeare

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The Two Noble Kinsmen: Act 3, Scene 3 Summary & Analysis

In another part of the forest, Arcite returns to Palamon with food, meat, and files. Palamon insults Arcite, but Arcite orders him to drink and regain his strength first—then they’ll talk. Palamon considers aloud the possibility that Arcite might poison him, but Arcite says he “must fear [Palamon] first.” Arcite toasts to Palamon’s health and drinks. When he promises not to mention Emilia, Palamon gives in and drinks. Afterward, Palamon ravenously feasts on the meat Arcite brought him. The cousins continue to drink and banter back and forth about women from their pasts. When Arcite emits a sigh, Palamon angrily accuses him of thinking about Emilia. Arcite tells Palamon he’s imagining things, and Palamon accuses Arcite of lying.
The juxtaposition of scenes featuring the Jailer’s Daughter and scenes featuring Arcite and Palamon confirms that Palamon has abandoned her, contrary to her misguided beliefs. When Arcite cites the fact that he “must fear [Palamon] first” as an explanation for why he won’t poison him, he means that he must “fear” Palamon, or see him as an equal before initiating an attack. This is the noble thing to do, since attacking while Palamon remains at a disadvantage would be a cowardly and decidedly unchivalrous act. Meanwhile, Palamon disregards Arcite’s attempts to maintain courtly manners and lashes out whenever he pleases. Here, Palamon neurotically accuses Arcite’s (likely) harmless sigh as evidence that Arcite is maliciously fantasizing about Emilia to antagonize Palamon. This is a crazy accusation to throw around and shows how unhinged love has made Palamon.
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The cousins exchange insults. Arcite promises to return in two hours with clothing and files, and Palamon reminds him to bring weapons, too. After Arcite leaves, Palamon vows to kill Arcite when he returns.
Arcite leaves to obtain the tools necessary to ensure that he and Palamon will have a fair fight. He continues to act nobly despite Palamon’s repeated verbal assaults.
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