The Two Noble Kinsmen


William Shakespeare

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The Doctor Character Analysis

The Doctor assesses the Jailer’s Daughter’s condition after her unrequited love for Palamon drives her to madness. To cure the daughter’s madness, the Doctor proposes that the Wooer disguise himself as Palamon and do whatever the Jailer’s Daughter asks of him—even if her requests involve sexual intimacy. Although the Jailer initially disapproves of the plan, the Wooer does his part and ultimately restores the Jailer’s Daughter’s sanity.
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The Doctor Character Timeline in The Two Noble Kinsmen

The timeline below shows where the character The Doctor appears in The Two Noble Kinsmen. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act 4, Scene 3
Love and Irrationality  Theme Icon
The Jailer, Wooer, and Doctor enter. The Doctor asks if the Jailer’s Daughter ever shows signs of improvement. The Jailer... (full context)
Love and Irrationality  Theme Icon
Chivalry, Honor, and Pride Theme Icon
...will see Palamon in the afterlife, fall in love with him, and leave Aeneas. The Doctor looks on the Jailer’s Daughter with pity. The Jailer’s Daughter rambles on about a silver... (full context)
Love and Irrationality  Theme Icon
...suffering. People who kill themselves and who impregnate maids also go to this world. The Doctor starts to see the Jailer’s Daughter’s affliction as “melancholy” rather than simple madness. The Jailer’s... (full context)
Love and Irrationality  Theme Icon
Chivalry, Honor, and Pride Theme Icon
The Jailer asks the Doctor what he thinks of the Jailer’s Daughter.  The Doctor asks if the Jailer's Daughter loved... (full context)
The Doctor suggests that the Wooer disguise himself as Palamon, invite the Jailer’s Daughter to share a... (full context)
Act 5, Scene 2
Love and Irrationality  Theme Icon
Chivalry, Honor, and Pride Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
The Doctor and the Jailer enter a room in the prison, followed by the Wooer, who is... (full context)
Love and Irrationality  Theme Icon
Chivalry, Honor, and Pride Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
After the Jailer leaves, the Doctor grumbles about his foolishness and insinuates that the Jailer’s Daughter might not be a virgin... (full context)
Love and Irrationality  Theme Icon
Chivalry, Honor, and Pride Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
The Wooer and the Doctor step forward, and the Wooer (as Palamon) greets the Jailer’s Daughter. They discuss their wedding... (full context)
Love and Irrationality  Theme Icon
Chivalry, Honor, and Pride Theme Icon
...battle that’s about to take place between Arcite and Palamon.  As the Jailer and the Doctor prepare to leave, the Doctor reminds the Wooer to do anything the Jailer’s Daughter says.... (full context)