The Whale Rider


Witi Ihimaera

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The Ancient Bull Whale Character Analysis

In Maori legend, a young bull whale’s parents get eaten by sharks, but the flute-playing whale rider Kahutia Te Rangi takes him in and raises him. They cross the ocean together, from the Maori homeland of Hawaiki to the coast near Whangara in New Zealand. During the events of the novel, this same whale is now a wise leader (akin to Koro Apirana’s leadership of Whangara) guiding his herd through an annual migration across the Southern Ocean. His search for a safe migration route and nostalgia for his childhood with the whale rider draw him and his herd back to Whangara. He believes his fate is to die there, and so he throws himself on the beach. Koro Apirana recognizes the sacred symbol tattooed on the whale’s head and argues that he has emerged from the mythic past to offer the Maori people a test. Kahu saves him by saying she is Kahutia Te Rangi, and they ride away into the ocean (but he eventually returns her to land). This heals the whale’s sorrow and the tribe’s succession crisis, symbolically healing humans’ strained relationship to nature and Maori people’s strained relationship to their traditions.

The Ancient Bull Whale Quotes in The Whale Rider

The The Whale Rider quotes below are all either spoken by The Ancient Bull Whale or refer to The Ancient Bull Whale. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Prologue: Chapter 1 Quotes

Karanga mai, karanga mai, karanga mai.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

So the whale rider uttered a prayer over the wooden spear, saying, “Let this spear be planted in the years to come, for there are sufficient spear [sic] already implanted. Let this be the one to flower when the people are troubled and it is most needed.”

And the spear then leaped from his hands with gladness and soared through the sky. It flew across a thousand years. When it hit the earth, it did not change but waited for another hundred and fifty years to pass until it was needed. The flukes of the whale stroked majestically at the sky.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea (speaker), Kahu , The Ancient Bull Whale
Related Symbols: The Last Spear
Page Number: 6-7
Explanation and Analysis:

Hui e, haumi e, taiki e.

Let it be done.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:
Spring: Chapter 2 Quotes

The human had heard the young whale’s distress and had come into the sea, playing a flute. The sound was plangent and sad as he tried to communicate his oneness with the young whale’s mourning. Quite without the musician knowing it, the melodic patterns of the flute’s phrases imitated the whale song of comfort. The young whale drew nearer to the human, who cradled him and pressed noses with the orphan in greeting. When the herd traveled onward, the young whale remained and grew under the tutelage of his master.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Related Symbols: Whale Songs
Page Number: 11-12
Explanation and Analysis:
Spring: Chapter 3 Quotes

I could understand, however, why the old man was so against the idea. Not only was Kahutia Te Rangi a man’s name, but it was also the name of the ancestor of our village. Koro Apirana felt that naming a girl-child after the founder of our tribe was belittling Kahutia Te Rangi’s prestige. From that time onward, whenever Koro Apirana went past the meetinghouse, he would look up at the figure of Kahutia Te Rangi on the whale and shake his head sorrowfully. Then he would say to Nanny Flowers, “You stepped out of line, dear. You shouldn’t have done it.” To give credit to her, Nanny Flowers did appear penitent.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), Kahu , Nanny Flowers, Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 19
Explanation and Analysis:
Autumn: Chapter 11 Quotes

“Will we be ready?” he asked. “Will we have prepared the people to cope with the new challenges and the new technology? And will they still be Maori?” I could tell that the last question was weighing heavily on his mind. In this respect we both recognized that the answer lay in Koro Apirana’s persistence with the school sessions, for he was one of the very few who could pass on the sacred knowledge. Our Koro was like an old whale stranded in an alien present, but that was how it was supposed to be, because he also had his role in the pattern of things, in the tides of the future.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Porourangi (speaker), Koro Apirana, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 71-72
Explanation and Analysis:
Winter: Chapter 16 Quotes

Yes, people in the district vividly remember the stranding of the whales, because television and radio brought the event into our homes that evening. But there were no television cameras or radio newspeople to see what occurred in Whangara the following night. Perhaps it was just as well, because even now it all seems like a dream. Perhaps, also, the drama enacted that night was meant to be seen only by the tribe and nobody else. Whatever the case, the earlier stranding of whales was merely a prelude to the awesome event that followed, an event that had all the cataclysmic power and grandeur of a Second Coming.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 108
Explanation and Analysis:

I thought I saw something flying through the air, across the aeons, to plunge into the heart of the village.

A dark shadow began to ascend from the deep. Then there were other shadows rising, ever rising. Suddenly the first shadow breached the surface and I saw it was a whale. Leviathan. Climbing through the depths. Crashing through the skin of sea. And as it came, the air was filled with streaked lightning and awesome singing.

Koro Apirana gave a tragic cry, for this was no ordinary beast, no ordinary whale. This whale came from the past. As it came, it filled the air with its singing.

Karanga mai, karanga mai,

karanga mai.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale (speaker), Koro Apirana
Related Symbols: Whale Songs, The Last Spear
Page Number: 112
Explanation and Analysis:

“But then, […] man assumed a cloak of arrogance and set himself up above the Gods. He even tried to defeat Death, but failed. As he grew in his arrogance, he started to drive a wedge through the original oneness of the world. In the passing of Time he divided the world into that half he could believe in and that half he could not believe in. The real and the unreal. The natural and the supernatural. The scientific and the fantastic. The present and the past. He put a barrier between both worlds, and everything on his side was called rational and everything on the other side was called irrational. Belief in our Maori Gods […] has often been considered irrational.”

Related Characters: Koro Apirana (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 116
Explanation and Analysis:

“[The whale] is a reminder of the oneness that the world once had. It is the birth cord joining past and present, reality and fantasy. It is both [real and unreal, natural and supernatural]. It is both, […] and if we have forgotten the communion then we have ceased to be Maori!”

[…] “The whale is a sign. […] It has stranded itself here. If we are able to return it to the sea, then that will be proof that the oneness is still with us. If we are not able to return it, then this is because we have become weak. If it lives, we live. If it dies, we die. Not only its salvation but ours is waiting out there.”

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), Kahu , Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 117
Explanation and Analysis:
Winter: Chapter 17 Quotes

Without really thinking about it, Kahu began to stroke the whale just behind the fin. It is my lord, the whale rider. She felt a tremor in the whale and a rippling under the skin. Suddenly she saw that indentations like footholds and handholds were appearing before her. She tested the footholds and they were firm. Although the wind was blowing fiercely, she stepped away from the sheltering fin and began to climb. As she did so, she caught a sudden glimpse of her Koro Apirana and Nanny Flowers clustered with the others on the faraway beach.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Kahu , Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 128
Explanation and Analysis:
Winter: Chapter 18 Quotes

She was the whale rider. Astride the whale, she felt the sting of the surf and rain upon her face. On either side, the younger whales were escorting their leader through the surf. They broke through into deeper water.

Related Characters: Kahu , Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 131
Explanation and Analysis:

“Which of the boys?” he gasped in grief. “Which of the—”

Nanny Flowers was pointing out to sea. Her face was filled with emotion as she cried out to Kahu. The old man understood. He raised his arms as if to claw down the sky upon him.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), Kahu , Nanny Flowers, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 133
Explanation and Analysis:
Epilogue: Chapter 20 Quotes

“You’re right, dear, you’re right.”

“I’m always right, you old paka, and—”

Suddenly Kahu gave a long sigh. Her eyebrows began to knit as if she was thinking of something.

“You two are always arguing,” she breathed.

Related Characters: Kahu (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), Nanny Flowers (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 146
Explanation and Analysis:

“Very well,” the ancient bull whale said. “Then let everyone live, and let the partnership between land and sea, whales and all humankind, also remain.”

And the whale herd sang their gladness that the tribe would also live, because they knew that the girl would need to be carefully taught before she could claim the place for her people in the world.

Related Characters: The Ancient Bull Whale (speaker), Kahu
Related Symbols: Whale Songs
Page Number: 147
Explanation and Analysis:
Epilogue: Chapter 21 Quotes

“I fell off the whale. If I were a boy, I would have held on tight. I’m sorry, Paka, I’m not a boy.”

The old man cradled Kahu in his arms, partly because of emotion and partly because he didn’t want those big ears out there to hear their big chief crying.

“You’re the best great-grandchild in the whole wide world,” he said. “Boy or girl, it doesn’t matter.”

“Really, Paka?” Kahu gasped.

Related Characters: Kahu (speaker), Rawiri (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 149
Explanation and Analysis:

Kahu looked at Koro Apirana, her eyes shining.

“Oh, Paka, can’t you hear them? I’ve been listening to them for ages now. Oh, Paka, and the whales are still singing,” she said.

Related Characters: Kahu (speaker), Rawiri (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Related Symbols: Whale Songs
Page Number: 150
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Ancient Bull Whale Quotes in The Whale Rider

The The Whale Rider quotes below are all either spoken by The Ancient Bull Whale or refer to The Ancient Bull Whale. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Prologue: Chapter 1 Quotes

Karanga mai, karanga mai, karanga mai.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

So the whale rider uttered a prayer over the wooden spear, saying, “Let this spear be planted in the years to come, for there are sufficient spear [sic] already implanted. Let this be the one to flower when the people are troubled and it is most needed.”

And the spear then leaped from his hands with gladness and soared through the sky. It flew across a thousand years. When it hit the earth, it did not change but waited for another hundred and fifty years to pass until it was needed. The flukes of the whale stroked majestically at the sky.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea (speaker), Kahu , The Ancient Bull Whale
Related Symbols: The Last Spear
Page Number: 6-7
Explanation and Analysis:

Hui e, haumi e, taiki e.

Let it be done.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:
Spring: Chapter 2 Quotes

The human had heard the young whale’s distress and had come into the sea, playing a flute. The sound was plangent and sad as he tried to communicate his oneness with the young whale’s mourning. Quite without the musician knowing it, the melodic patterns of the flute’s phrases imitated the whale song of comfort. The young whale drew nearer to the human, who cradled him and pressed noses with the orphan in greeting. When the herd traveled onward, the young whale remained and grew under the tutelage of his master.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Related Symbols: Whale Songs
Page Number: 11-12
Explanation and Analysis:
Spring: Chapter 3 Quotes

I could understand, however, why the old man was so against the idea. Not only was Kahutia Te Rangi a man’s name, but it was also the name of the ancestor of our village. Koro Apirana felt that naming a girl-child after the founder of our tribe was belittling Kahutia Te Rangi’s prestige. From that time onward, whenever Koro Apirana went past the meetinghouse, he would look up at the figure of Kahutia Te Rangi on the whale and shake his head sorrowfully. Then he would say to Nanny Flowers, “You stepped out of line, dear. You shouldn’t have done it.” To give credit to her, Nanny Flowers did appear penitent.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), Kahu , Nanny Flowers, Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 19
Explanation and Analysis:
Autumn: Chapter 11 Quotes

“Will we be ready?” he asked. “Will we have prepared the people to cope with the new challenges and the new technology? And will they still be Maori?” I could tell that the last question was weighing heavily on his mind. In this respect we both recognized that the answer lay in Koro Apirana’s persistence with the school sessions, for he was one of the very few who could pass on the sacred knowledge. Our Koro was like an old whale stranded in an alien present, but that was how it was supposed to be, because he also had his role in the pattern of things, in the tides of the future.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Porourangi (speaker), Koro Apirana, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 71-72
Explanation and Analysis:
Winter: Chapter 16 Quotes

Yes, people in the district vividly remember the stranding of the whales, because television and radio brought the event into our homes that evening. But there were no television cameras or radio newspeople to see what occurred in Whangara the following night. Perhaps it was just as well, because even now it all seems like a dream. Perhaps, also, the drama enacted that night was meant to be seen only by the tribe and nobody else. Whatever the case, the earlier stranding of whales was merely a prelude to the awesome event that followed, an event that had all the cataclysmic power and grandeur of a Second Coming.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 108
Explanation and Analysis:

I thought I saw something flying through the air, across the aeons, to plunge into the heart of the village.

A dark shadow began to ascend from the deep. Then there were other shadows rising, ever rising. Suddenly the first shadow breached the surface and I saw it was a whale. Leviathan. Climbing through the depths. Crashing through the skin of sea. And as it came, the air was filled with streaked lightning and awesome singing.

Koro Apirana gave a tragic cry, for this was no ordinary beast, no ordinary whale. This whale came from the past. As it came, it filled the air with its singing.

Karanga mai, karanga mai,

karanga mai.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale (speaker), Koro Apirana
Related Symbols: Whale Songs, The Last Spear
Page Number: 112
Explanation and Analysis:

“But then, […] man assumed a cloak of arrogance and set himself up above the Gods. He even tried to defeat Death, but failed. As he grew in his arrogance, he started to drive a wedge through the original oneness of the world. In the passing of Time he divided the world into that half he could believe in and that half he could not believe in. The real and the unreal. The natural and the supernatural. The scientific and the fantastic. The present and the past. He put a barrier between both worlds, and everything on his side was called rational and everything on the other side was called irrational. Belief in our Maori Gods […] has often been considered irrational.”

Related Characters: Koro Apirana (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 116
Explanation and Analysis:

“[The whale] is a reminder of the oneness that the world once had. It is the birth cord joining past and present, reality and fantasy. It is both [real and unreal, natural and supernatural]. It is both, […] and if we have forgotten the communion then we have ceased to be Maori!”

[…] “The whale is a sign. […] It has stranded itself here. If we are able to return it to the sea, then that will be proof that the oneness is still with us. If we are not able to return it, then this is because we have become weak. If it lives, we live. If it dies, we die. Not only its salvation but ours is waiting out there.”

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), Kahu , Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 117
Explanation and Analysis:
Winter: Chapter 17 Quotes

Without really thinking about it, Kahu began to stroke the whale just behind the fin. It is my lord, the whale rider. She felt a tremor in the whale and a rippling under the skin. Suddenly she saw that indentations like footholds and handholds were appearing before her. She tested the footholds and they were firm. Although the wind was blowing fiercely, she stepped away from the sheltering fin and began to climb. As she did so, she caught a sudden glimpse of her Koro Apirana and Nanny Flowers clustered with the others on the faraway beach.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Kahu , Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 128
Explanation and Analysis:
Winter: Chapter 18 Quotes

She was the whale rider. Astride the whale, she felt the sting of the surf and rain upon her face. On either side, the younger whales were escorting their leader through the surf. They broke through into deeper water.

Related Characters: Kahu , Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 131
Explanation and Analysis:

“Which of the boys?” he gasped in grief. “Which of the—”

Nanny Flowers was pointing out to sea. Her face was filled with emotion as she cried out to Kahu. The old man understood. He raised his arms as if to claw down the sky upon him.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), Kahu , Nanny Flowers, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 133
Explanation and Analysis:
Epilogue: Chapter 20 Quotes

“You’re right, dear, you’re right.”

“I’m always right, you old paka, and—”

Suddenly Kahu gave a long sigh. Her eyebrows began to knit as if she was thinking of something.

“You two are always arguing,” she breathed.

Related Characters: Kahu (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), Nanny Flowers (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 146
Explanation and Analysis:

“Very well,” the ancient bull whale said. “Then let everyone live, and let the partnership between land and sea, whales and all humankind, also remain.”

And the whale herd sang their gladness that the tribe would also live, because they knew that the girl would need to be carefully taught before she could claim the place for her people in the world.

Related Characters: The Ancient Bull Whale (speaker), Kahu
Related Symbols: Whale Songs
Page Number: 147
Explanation and Analysis:
Epilogue: Chapter 21 Quotes

“I fell off the whale. If I were a boy, I would have held on tight. I’m sorry, Paka, I’m not a boy.”

The old man cradled Kahu in his arms, partly because of emotion and partly because he didn’t want those big ears out there to hear their big chief crying.

“You’re the best great-grandchild in the whole wide world,” he said. “Boy or girl, it doesn’t matter.”

“Really, Paka?” Kahu gasped.

Related Characters: Kahu (speaker), Rawiri (speaker), Koro Apirana (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 149
Explanation and Analysis:

Kahu looked at Koro Apirana, her eyes shining.

“Oh, Paka, can’t you hear them? I’ve been listening to them for ages now. Oh, Paka, and the whales are still singing,” she said.

Related Characters: Kahu (speaker), Rawiri (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Related Symbols: Whale Songs
Page Number: 150
Explanation and Analysis: