The Whale Rider


Witi Ihimaera

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The Old Mother Whale Character Analysis

The old mother whale is the ancient bull whale’s wife. She persuades him that Kahu is Paikea’s descendent, not Paikea himself, and convinces the herd to return Kahu to land (which ensures her survival). To the extent that the whale herd is a foil for Koro Apirana and Nanny Flowers’s community in Whangara, the old mother reflects Nanny Flowers’s sense of wisdom and maternal love—although she is far more tactful in dealing with her mate than Nanny Flowers is.
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The Old Mother Whale Character Timeline in The Whale Rider

The timeline below shows where the character The Old Mother Whale appears in The Whale Rider. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Epilogue: Chapter 19
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Familial Love Theme Icon
...females sing about love and unity but worry about the ancient whale’s injuries. His wife, the old mother whale, asks about the person on his back, and he responds, “I am carrying my... (full context)
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Familial Love Theme Icon
Remembering Paikea, the old mother kindly says that Kahu doesn't look like him. Maybe the girl could be Paikea’s descendant,... (full context)
Epilogue: Chapter 20
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Meanwhile, in the ocean, the ancient bull whale asks the old mother whale if the whale rider (Kahu) is okay, and she says yes. “Let everyone live,”... (full context)
Epilogue: Chapter 21
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Familial Love Theme Icon
...wait until both of her grandparents are present. She says that the ancient bull and old mother whales were arguing, too. “We don’t argue,” Nanny Flowers clarifies: “He argues and I win.” (full context)
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon
...hear the whales. The novel describes the ancient whale throwing Kahu off his back and the mother whale telling her that returning to and leading her people is her destiny. Kahu tells Koro... (full context)