The Whale Rider


Witi Ihimaera

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In Maori culture, a karanga (call or summons) is an important ritual to welcome guests into the community by publicly calling out to them upon their arrival. In The Whale Rider, Paikea, Kahu, and the ancient whale greet one another with “karanga mai” (“call me” in Maori ), which reflects the deep traditional connection between humans and whales.

Karanga Quotes in The Whale Rider

The The Whale Rider quotes below are all either spoken by Karanga or refer to Karanga. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Prologue: Chapter 1 Quotes

Karanga mai, karanga mai, karanga mai.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 6
Explanation and Analysis:

Hui e, haumi e, taiki e.

Let it be done.

Related Characters: Kahutia Te Rangi / Paikea, The Ancient Bull Whale
Page Number: 7
Explanation and Analysis:
Winter: Chapter 16 Quotes

I thought I saw something flying through the air, across the aeons, to plunge into the heart of the village.

A dark shadow began to ascend from the deep. Then there were other shadows rising, ever rising. Suddenly the first shadow breached the surface and I saw it was a whale. Leviathan. Climbing through the depths. Crashing through the skin of sea. And as it came, the air was filled with streaked lightning and awesome singing.

Koro Apirana gave a tragic cry, for this was no ordinary beast, no ordinary whale. This whale came from the past. As it came, it filled the air with its singing.

Karanga mai, karanga mai,

karanga mai.

Related Characters: Rawiri (speaker), The Ancient Bull Whale (speaker), Koro Apirana
Related Symbols: Whale Songs, The Last Spear
Page Number: 112
Explanation and Analysis:
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Karanga Term Timeline in The Whale Rider

The timeline below shows where the term Karanga appears in The Whale Rider. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Prologue: Chapter 1
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon threw spears that turned into different animals, like pigeons and eels, and he announced, “karanga mai [call me].” He prayed for his last spear, which kept flying for a thousand... (full context)
Winter: Chapter 16
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon
...Koro Apirana cries out because this is a special whale—an ancient whale from the past. “Karanga mai,” he sings, and the rest of his herd joins in. The whale also has... (full context)
Winter: Chapter 17
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon
Familial Love Theme Icon
...but she keeps swimming toward the ancient whale, determined to save it. She starts singing “karanga mai” to the whale. “Oh sacred ancestor,” she sings to him, “I am Kahu […]... (full context)