The Whale Rider


Witi Ihimaera

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Whale Rider makes teaching easy.

Hawaiki Term Analysis

Hawaiki is the legendary island homeland to which all Polynesian people, including the Maori , trace their roots. Kahutia Te Rangi originated in Hawaiki, then came to New Zealand on the ancient whale’s back.
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Hawaiki Term Timeline in The Whale Rider

The timeline below shows where the term Hawaiki appears in The Whale Rider. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Summer: Chapter 6
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Whangara’s people descend from Kahutia Te Rangi, who traveled from the ancestral homeland of Hawaiki to the North Island of New Zealand on the back of a whale (the ancient... (full context)
Autumn: Chapter 9
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
Maori Identity Theme Icon
...another describes the herd of whales from before, which is waiting motionless between the island Hawaiki above and a protective sea trench below. The ancient whale hesitates to lead them on.... (full context)
Winter: Chapter 14
Humans and Nature Theme Icon
...“burst through the sea” near Whangara, where they have arrived after a long journey from Hawaiki. The whale starts to miss his master, who builds a life and starts a family... (full context)