Ed Jackson is the sheriff in Barkley Cove. When Benji Mason and Steve Long find Chase Andrews’s dead body near the fire tower, they visit Ed and tell him the news before taking him to the scene of the crime. Once he arrives, Ed notices that there are no footprints surrounding Chase’s body. In fact, the only footprints in the entire area are his own and Benji and Steve’s. This leads him to believe that Chase was murdered, so he begins investigating the case. Throughout the novel, he collects information from the townspeople, working with Deputy Joe Purdue to piece together what, exactly, happened on the night that Chase fell from the fire tower. In doing so, he comes to suspect that Kya—whom he and other townspeople call the “Marsh Girl”—might have had something to do with the case. Accordingly, he and Joe try to bring Kya in for questioning, but she evades them whenever they come to her shack. Before long, though, they decide to arrest her because they hear from a local fisherman named Rodney Horn that she once yelled that she was going to kill Chase after a certain dispute that Rodney saw take place in Cypress Cove. Later, Kya’s lawyer, Tom Milton, frames Ed as incompetent, suggesting that he jumped to conclusions about Kya simply because she lives an alternative lifestyle. This, in turn, persuades the jury to find Kya not guilty of Chase’s murder.