After Darkness


Christine Piper

Biological Weapons Term Analysis

Biological weapons are toxins or infectious agents used with the intent to kill, harm, or incapacitate enemies. In the novel, Ibaraki learns that his lab has been making bioweapons and testing them on human subjects as part of the Japanese war effort in World War II.

Biological Weapons Quotes in After Darkness

The After Darkness quotes below are all either spoken by Biological Weapons or refer to Biological Weapons. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Dangers of Nationalism Theme Icon
Chapter 14: Tokyo, 1936 Quotes

“The true purpose of the facility is concealed from the local community through the disguise of a lumber mill. We’ve even started calling our test subjects maruta. It started as a joke, but ‘logs’ has turned out to be a convenient euphemism, so we have persisted with the term.”

Related Characters: Ishii Shiro (speaker), Dr. Ibaraki
Related Symbols: The Laboratory
Page Number: 183
Explanation and Analysis:

“A great doctor, just like a great military commander, knows that sometimes a few lives have to be sacrificed to save thousands of others. When this war is over, great doctors will be remembered.”

Related Characters: Ishii Shiro (speaker), Dr. Ibaraki
Related Symbols: The Laboratory
Page Number: 191
Explanation and Analysis:
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