All the Bright Places

All the Bright Places


Jennifer Niven

Charlie is one of Finch’s best friends. He’s an athletic Black boy, but because he doesn’t want to be “a Black stereotype,” Charlie refuses to join any sports teams at school and instead joins the chess club. He also believes that sex is the answer to nearly every problem; when Finch returns from his five-week “Asleep” (depressive episode), Charlie insists that Finch needs to have sex so he can get back to living. Charlie, like Finch’s other friend Brenda, never questions Finch when he disappears or skips school—to him, Finch’s disappearances and erratic behavior are normal. After Finch commits suicide, Charlie is incensed and offended by how others in their class talk about and respond to Finch’s death. He’s especially upset when kids who bullied Finch cry at Finch’s funeral.

Charlie Donahue Quotes in All the Bright Places

The All the Bright Places quotes below are all either spoken by Charlie Donahue or refer to Charlie Donahue. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
48. Violet: March 21 and beyond Quotes

“He’ll be back. He always comes back.” That’s just his thing. It’s what he does.

I want to say to her and Charlie and Brenda, to Kate, to his mom: Doesn’t anyone care why he comes and goes? Have you ever stopped to think that something might be wrong with this?

Related Characters: Violet Markey (speaker), Decca Finch (speaker), Finch’s Mom, Finch’s Dad, Kate Finch, Charlie Donahue, Brenda
Page Number: 313
Explanation and Analysis:
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Charlie Donahue Character Timeline in All the Bright Places

The timeline below shows where the character Charlie Donahue appears in All the Bright Places. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
1. Finch: I am awake again. Day 6.
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
...on Amanda Monk’s face if he were to fall—but his laugh makes him wobble. Suddenly, Charlie Donahue, Finch’s best friend, appears in the belltower and says that the cafeteria is  serving... (full context)
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Grief, Trauma, Purpose, and Survivorship Theme Icon
Then, Charlie asks Finch why he’s doing this. Finch replies that they all have to die someday,... (full context)
3. Finch: Day 6 (still) of being awake
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
Later, out in the parking lot, Finch and his friend Brenda listen to Charlie talk about sex. Charlie spent his winter break working at the movie theater, where he... (full context)
10. Finch: Day 9
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
Individuality and Identity Theme Icon
...version of him to not mess up with Violet. So, during third period, Finch meets Charlie and Brenda at Goodwill. As Finch and Brenda browse the racks, Brenda tells Finch about... (full context)
Individuality and Identity Theme Icon
Language, Meaning, and Control Theme Icon
...adopts a British accent for the rest of the day. When he joins Brenda and Charlie for lunch, he tells them all about his life in London and his Irish girlfriend.... (full context)
24. Violet: 135, 134, 133 days to go
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
...she should be on “suicide watch” for her boyfriend. The next day, Violet seeks out Charlie and asks about Finch. Charlie says that this is just what Finch does. Brenda compliments... (full context)
29. Finch: Day 30 (and I am AWAKE)
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
Individuality and Identity Theme Icon
Finch and Charlie are in gym class, standing beyond third base. Charlie is great at sports, and all... (full context)
42. Finch: Days 65 and 66
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
Language, Meaning, and Control Theme Icon
...tries to read by himself in the belltower stairway, he can’t focus. Finch sits with Charlie at lunch and still can’t concentrate. In U.S. Geography, Mr. Black reminds the class not... (full context)
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Individuality and Identity Theme Icon
Language, Meaning, and Control Theme Icon
...Finch. Finch doesn’t think—he slams Roamer into a locker and starts to choke him. Both Charlie and Mr. Kappel come to help Roamer as Finch watches the veins throb in Roamer’s... (full context)
48. Violet: March 21 and beyond
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
Violet can’t concentrate in U.S. Geography. Charlie and Brenda haven’t heard from Finch in a few days either, but they insist this... (full context)
52. Violet: April 26
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Language, Meaning, and Control Theme Icon
...received an email that said that a guy will love Brenda for who she is. Charlie also got a weird email, seemingly saying goodbye. Something is wrong. (full context)
Language, Meaning, and Control Theme Icon
Grief, Trauma, Purpose, and Survivorship Theme Icon
...Kate alone. On the patio, Violet tells Kate about the emails to her, Brenda, and Charlie. Kate reads the messages and is confused. Violet shows her a copy of The Waves... (full context)
54. Violet: May 3
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
...cremated. Everyone is crying, including Amanda, Ryan, and Roamer. Violet stands next to Brenda and Charlie, and her parents are nearby. Brenda stares at Roamer with an angry expression—Roamer and his... (full context)
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
As the crowd disperses, Charlie mutters about the “phonies,” and Brenda says that Finch is probably watching and flipping everyone... (full context)
55. Violet: May—weeks 1, 2, and 3
Mental Health, Stigma, and Suicide Theme Icon
...person to teach self-defense and then show a film about “the realities of drug use.” Charlie leans over to Violet and says there’s a rumor that Finch died because he was... (full context)
57. Violet: Remaining wanderings 3 and 4
Community, Support, and Trust Theme Icon
Language, Meaning, and Control Theme Icon
Grief, Trauma, Purpose, and Survivorship Theme Icon
Later that night, Violet meets Brenda, Charlie, Ryan, and Amanda at the Purina Tower. At the top, they light candles and talk... (full context)