

Edward Humes

Deborah Munk Character Analysis

Deborah Munk helped run the artist-in-residence program at a San Francisco garbage dump, which attracted ambitious artists like Niki Ulehla. Though the artist-in-residence program started in the 1990s as a novelty, it quickly proved popular and benefited from a California law that required local governments to divert waste from landfills. Munk took over the program after a chance meeting with an old professor. She helped expand it to include an even wider variety of artists, in order to help capture the broad scope of what makes up the U.S.’s trash.

Deborah Munk Quotes in Garbology

The Garbology quotes below are all either spoken by Deborah Munk or refer to Deborah Munk. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hidden Costs of Waste Theme Icon
Chapter 9 Quotes

The artist-in-residence program at the San Francisco dump—insiders use the acronym AIR—started back in 1990 as a Southside San Francisco oddity planted a few miles from the airport near the old Cow Palace arena. It has evolved into an unlikely San Francisco icon, frequently copied but outlasting all imitators.

Related Characters: Deborah Munk, Niki Ulehla
Page Number: 171
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

TerraCycle, a New Jersey company that has become a leader in “upcycling,” faced a similar, potentially fatal attack from a larger, richer, established rival just as it was getting traction in the marketplace. Its experience would provide a model for Keller as he struggled to survive what he now calls “The Plastic Bag Wars.”

Related Characters: Andy Keller, Deborah Munk, Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer
Page Number: 204
Explanation and Analysis:
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Deborah Munk Quotes in Garbology

The Garbology quotes below are all either spoken by Deborah Munk or refer to Deborah Munk. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hidden Costs of Waste Theme Icon
Chapter 9 Quotes

The artist-in-residence program at the San Francisco dump—insiders use the acronym AIR—started back in 1990 as a Southside San Francisco oddity planted a few miles from the airport near the old Cow Palace arena. It has evolved into an unlikely San Francisco icon, frequently copied but outlasting all imitators.

Related Characters: Deborah Munk, Niki Ulehla
Page Number: 171
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 10 Quotes

TerraCycle, a New Jersey company that has become a leader in “upcycling,” faced a similar, potentially fatal attack from a larger, richer, established rival just as it was getting traction in the marketplace. Its experience would provide a model for Keller as he struggled to survive what he now calls “The Plastic Bag Wars.”

Related Characters: Andy Keller, Deborah Munk, Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer
Page Number: 204
Explanation and Analysis: