

Edward Humes

Nickolas Themelis Character Analysis

Nickolas Themelis was a prominent waste-to-energy advocate. Like many waste-to-energy advocates, he believed that turning old trash into energy was the best option from a practical, environmental, and economic perspective. Like Andy Keller and the TerraCycle founders (Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer), Themelis believed that contemporary U.S. culture was too wasteful, and that the real solution would take a massive cultural shift.

Nickolas Themelis Quotes in Garbology

The Garbology quotes below are all either spoken by Nickolas Themelis or refer to Nickolas Themelis. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hidden Costs of Waste Theme Icon
Chapter 11 Quotes

For all his advocacy for waste-to-energy, Nickolas Themelis believes that the most intelligent, most-likely-to-succeed, long-term solution to waste is far simpler than any giant trash-burning generator, and far less costly, yet so much more difficult to achieve: a changed culture.

Related Characters: Nickolas Themelis
Related Symbols: 102 Tons
Page Number: 236
Explanation and Analysis:
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Nickolas Themelis Quotes in Garbology

The Garbology quotes below are all either spoken by Nickolas Themelis or refer to Nickolas Themelis. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hidden Costs of Waste Theme Icon
Chapter 11 Quotes

For all his advocacy for waste-to-energy, Nickolas Themelis believes that the most intelligent, most-likely-to-succeed, long-term solution to waste is far simpler than any giant trash-burning generator, and far less costly, yet so much more difficult to achieve: a changed culture.

Related Characters: Nickolas Themelis
Related Symbols: 102 Tons
Page Number: 236
Explanation and Analysis: