

Edward Humes

Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer Character Analysis

Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer were two Princeton students who collaborated to found TerraCycle, a company that used worms to recycle food waste into fertilizer. The project expanded from a business contest entry into a multimillion-dollar business. As it grew, it attracted negative attention from Miracle-Gro, which viewed TerraCycle as a competitor. Miracle-Gro tried to put TerraCycle out of business with lawsuits, but ultimately, these lawsuits only drew more attention to TerraCycle. Szaky and Beyer’s experience shows how the fight for a more sustainable future often pits underdogs against giant and wealthy corporations—though the small underdog companies sometimes have unexpected advantages.

Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer Quotes in Garbology

The Garbology quotes below are all either spoken by Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer or refer to Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hidden Costs of Waste Theme Icon
Chapter 10 Quotes

TerraCycle, a New Jersey company that has become a leader in “upcycling,” faced a similar, potentially fatal attack from a larger, richer, established rival just as it was getting traction in the marketplace. Its experience would provide a model for Keller as he struggled to survive what he now calls “The Plastic Bag Wars.”

Related Characters: Andy Keller, Deborah Munk, Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer
Page Number: 204
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

Johnson and her zero-waste crusade are a whole different animal. She has identified a problem not on a campus or a beach but inside everyone’s home and lifestyle. And her family has responded by transforming itself in a dramatic way, becoming happier and more prosperous by rejecting the consumer economy and lifestyle most Americans live and breathe. Is there any wonder why this angers so many people? Agreeing with the Johnsons’ views means you either have to accept living a wasteful life, or change.

Related Characters: Andy Keller, Bea Johnson, Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer
Related Symbols: 102 Tons
Page Number: 253
Explanation and Analysis:
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Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer Quotes in Garbology

The Garbology quotes below are all either spoken by Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer or refer to Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Hidden Costs of Waste Theme Icon
Chapter 10 Quotes

TerraCycle, a New Jersey company that has become a leader in “upcycling,” faced a similar, potentially fatal attack from a larger, richer, established rival just as it was getting traction in the marketplace. Its experience would provide a model for Keller as he struggled to survive what he now calls “The Plastic Bag Wars.”

Related Characters: Andy Keller, Deborah Munk, Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer
Page Number: 204
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

Johnson and her zero-waste crusade are a whole different animal. She has identified a problem not on a campus or a beach but inside everyone’s home and lifestyle. And her family has responded by transforming itself in a dramatic way, becoming happier and more prosperous by rejecting the consumer economy and lifestyle most Americans live and breathe. Is there any wonder why this angers so many people? Agreeing with the Johnsons’ views means you either have to accept living a wasteful life, or change.

Related Characters: Andy Keller, Bea Johnson, Tom Szaky and Jon Beyer
Related Symbols: 102 Tons
Page Number: 253
Explanation and Analysis: