Our Missing Hearts


Celeste Ng

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Themes and Colors
Free Speech, Patriotism, and the Corruption of Truth Theme Icon
Surveillance, Fear, and Discrimination  Theme Icon
The Power of Art and Imagination   Theme Icon
Parental Responsibility, Rights, and Experience  Theme Icon
Privilege, Silence, and Complicity  Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Our Missing Hearts, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Surveillance, Fear, and Discrimination  Theme Icon

In Ng’s imagined America, people are constantly under surveillance. The PACT law promotes “citizen vigilance,” offering rewards for “information leading to potential troublemakers.” In this way, the government teaches its citizens to watch one another closely for signs of anti-American sentiment, encouraging a culture of fear and distrust among one’s own neighbors. Because PACT allows for the removal of children from environments loosely defined as “unsafe” or “unpatriotic,” the stakes are always high when the authorities are involved. After his mother, Margaret, leaves, Bird feels that “[s]omeone was always watching,” and several neighbors report innocuous things like Bird falling off his bike. Similarly, Bird’s school acts as a primary mode of surveillance; Ethan often reviews Bird’s homework, ensuring it communicates Bird’s unquestionable understanding of the importance of PACT in their society. In this world, constant surveillance both creates and depends upon a culture of fear—and specifically fear of “the other”—to keep citizens obedient to unreasonable laws.

Under such surveillance, some groups are disproportionately scrutinized. Since the American government blames China for its recent economic instability (a period of unrest referred to as the Crisis), persons of Asian origin (PAOs) are often assumed to harbor anti-American sentiments or be sympathetic to unpatriotic ideas. Because of this, they are frequently reported to the authorities and suffer discrimination in general. Margaret’s father is targeted and killed because of his Asian features, and Bird himself is assaulted and called a slur. Even though Margaret’s poetry has no relation to American politics, her Chinese American identity, combined with other factors, results in her being accused of harboring un-American sentiments, and this leads to her becoming a fugitive. In the world of the novel, Asian Americans become a scapegoat onto which others can reliably cast suspicion. In this way, Our Missing Hearts suggests that discrimination is a response to fear rather than a reflection of reality. Critically, the novel shows how the government of its imagined America motivates citizen unity and obedience through internal surveillance, manufacturing a common enemy onto which the masses may project their fears, leading to discrimination.  

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Surveillance, Fear, and Discrimination Quotes in Our Missing Hearts

Below you will find the important quotes in Our Missing Hearts related to the theme of Surveillance, Fear, and Discrimination .
Part 1, Chapter 1 Quotes

Being a PAO, the authorities reminded everyone, was not itself a crime. PACT is not about race, the president was always saying, it is about patriotism and mindset.

Related Characters: Bird (Noah), Margaret
Page Number: 9
Explanation and Analysis:

You’d have to be a lunatic, Bird had agreed, to overturn PACT. PACT had helped end the Crisis; PACT kept things peaceful and safe. Even kindergarteners knew that. PACT was common sense, really. If you acted unpatriotic, there would be consequences. If you didn’t, then what were you worried about? And if you saw or heard of something unpatriotic, it was your duty to let the authorities know. He has never known a world without PACT; it is as axiomatic as gravity, or Thou shalt not kill. He didn’t understand why anyone would oppose it, what any of this had to do with hearts, how a heart could be missing. How could you survive without your heart beating inside you?

Related Characters: Bird (Noah), Margaret, Ethan
Related Symbols: Hearts
Page Number: 21
Explanation and Analysis:

You need to show your teacher you really get this—there should be absolutely no question you understand. PACT protects innocent children from being indoctrinated with false, subversive, un-American ideas by unfit and unpatriotic parents.

Related Characters: Ethan (speaker), Bird (Noah)
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Chapter 2 Quotes

In this country we believe that every generation can make better choices than the one that came before. Right? Everyone gets the same chance to prove themselves, to show us who they are. We don’t hold the mistakes of parents against their children.

Related Characters: Mrs. Pollard (speaker), Bird (Noah), Margaret
Page Number: 35
Explanation and Analysis:

It’s too late: already passersby are slipping phones from pockets and bags, quietly snapping photos without breaking stride. They will be texted and posted everywhere soon. Beneath the trees, the officers circle the trunks, pistols dangling at their hips. One of them pushes his visor back up over his head; another sets his plexiglass shield down on the grass. They are equipped for violence, but not for this.

Related Characters: Bird (Noah)
Related Symbols: Hearts
Page Number: 38
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Chapter 3 Quotes

Someone complained, probably. That it encouraged pro-PAO sentiment, or something. Some of our donors have—opinions. On China, or in this case, anything that vaguely resembles it. And we need their generosity to keep this place open. Or just as likely, someone got nervous and got rid of it preemptively. Us public libraries—a lot of us just can’t take the risk. Too easy for some concerned citizen to say you’re promoting unpatriotic behavior. Being overly sympathetic to potential enemies.

Related Characters: Carina (Cambridge Librarian) (speaker), Bird (Noah)
Related Symbols: Libraries
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Chapter 4 Quotes

It’s dangerous to look like him, always has been. It’s dangerous to be his mother’s child, in more ways than one. His father has always known it, has always been braced for something like this, always on a hair trigger for what inevitably would happen to his son. What he’s afraid of: that one day someone will see Bird’s face and see an enemy. That someone will see him as his mother’s son, in blood or in deed, and take him away.

Related Characters: Bird (Noah), Margaret, Ethan
Page Number: 82
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Chapter 6 Quotes

Someone was always watching, it seemed: when Bird went out without a hat and stood shivering at the bus stop; when Bird forgot his lunch and his teacher asked him if his father was giving him enough to eat. There was always someone watching. There was always someone wanting to check.

Related Characters: Bird (Noah), Margaret, Ethan
Page Number: 98
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Chapter 8 Quotes

He notices how many, many American flags there are—on nearly every storefront, on the lapels of nearly every person he sees. […] Only when he’s left Chinatown, and the faces around him become Black and white instead of Asian, do the flags become more sporadic, the people here apparently more confident that their loyalty will be assumed.

Related Characters: Bird (Noah)
Page Number: 126
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2, Chapter 2 Quotes

It was happening in other cities, in infinite variations: a kick or a punch on the sidewalk, a spray of spit in the face. It would happen everywhere, here and there at first, then all over, and eventually the news would stop reporting the stories, because they weren’t new anymore.

Related Characters: Margaret’s Mother, Margaret’s Father
Page Number: 181
Explanation and Analysis:

PACT: Preserving American Culture and Traditions. A solemn promise to root out any anti-American elements undermining the nation. Funding for neighborhood-protection groups to break up protests and guard businesses and stores […] Funding for new initiatives to monitor China—and new watchdog groups to sniff out those whose loyalties might be divided. Rewards for citizen vigilance, information leading to potential troublemakers. And finally, most crucially: preventing the spread of un-American views by quietly removing children from un-American environments—the definition of which was ever expanding[.]

Related Characters: Margaret
Page Number: 185
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2, Chapter 3 Quotes

The anti-American ideology was clear, which made it all the more dangerous that people were reading these poems—nearly fifty thousand copies sold so far, an unheard-of number for a book of poetry, especially from a miniscule press. […] Regardless, these poems weren’t just un-American, they were inciting rebellion. Endorsing and espousing terrorist activity. Persuading others to support insurrection. Look how many anti-PACT protests were happening.

Related Characters: Margaret, Marie Johnson
Page Number: 207
Explanation and Analysis:

Sometimes it did turn out to be nothing. If you were well connected, if you showed the proper deference, or if perhaps you had a friend in the mayor’s office or the statehouse or, even better, the federal government, if in their background investigation it turned out you’d donated money to the right groups, or perhaps if you were willing to donate money right now—well then, perhaps you could make clear that you would never instill dangerous ideologies in your child.

Related Characters: Margaret
Page Number: 227
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3, Chapter 2 Quotes

She does not know if it will make any difference. She does not know if anyone is listening. She is here, locked in her cabinet, drawing cat after cat, slipping them through the cracks. Unsure if they will sink even one claw into the beast outside.

But still: she turns another page and goes on.

Related Characters: Margaret
Related Symbols: Cats
Page Number: 299
Explanation and Analysis: