The Three-Body Problem

The Three-Body Problem


Liu Cixin

As a reporter in Inner Mongolia, Bai Mulin and Ye Wenjie meet when they are both working for the Chinese Production and Construction Corps. Having been authorized by the government to read Rachel Carson’s environmentalist book Silent Spring, Bai becomes motivated to write to communist leadership in protest of mass deforestation. But when his plan backfires, he frames Ye, setting in motion the events that eventually lead her to wind up at Red Coast Base. In addition to being one more person who betrays Ye’s trust, Bai is notable for his fairly regular life; though his betrayal had an incredible impact on history, Bai himself is hardly memorable.

Bai Mulin Quotes in The Three-Body Problem

The The Three-Body Problem quotes below are all either spoken by Bai Mulin or refer to Bai Mulin . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Technology, Progress, and Destruction Theme Icon
Chapter 2 Quotes

Without intending to, Bai became a key historical figure. But he never learned of this fact. Historians recorded the rest of his uneventful life with disappointment. He continued to work at great production news until 1975, when the Inner Mongolia Production and Construction Corps was disbanded. He was then sent to a city in Northeast China to work for the science association until the beginning of the eighties. Then he left the country for Canada, where he taught at a Chinese school in Ottawa until 1991, when he died from lung cancer. For the rest of his life, he never mentioned Ye Wenjie, and we do not know if he ever felt remorse or repented for his actions.

Related Characters: Ye Wenjie , Bai Mulin
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bai Mulin Quotes in The Three-Body Problem

The The Three-Body Problem quotes below are all either spoken by Bai Mulin or refer to Bai Mulin . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Technology, Progress, and Destruction Theme Icon
Chapter 2 Quotes

Without intending to, Bai became a key historical figure. But he never learned of this fact. Historians recorded the rest of his uneventful life with disappointment. He continued to work at great production news until 1975, when the Inner Mongolia Production and Construction Corps was disbanded. He was then sent to a city in Northeast China to work for the science association until the beginning of the eighties. Then he left the country for Canada, where he taught at a Chinese school in Ottawa until 1991, when he died from lung cancer. For the rest of his life, he never mentioned Ye Wenjie, and we do not know if he ever felt remorse or repented for his actions.

Related Characters: Ye Wenjie , Bai Mulin
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis: