The Three-Body Problem

The Three-Body Problem


Liu Cixin

Mike Evans Character Analysis

Born to a wealthy oil baron, Mike Evans’s passion for the environment sprouted in opposition to his family’s values. After witnessing the consequences of an oil spill on marine birds, Evans pioneered the theory of “pan-species communism” (in which the idea of universal human rights is extended to all forms of life on Earth). Later in life, Evans joined forces with Ye Wenjie, using his father’s money to create the ETO. But while Ye hopes humanity can be helped by alien intelligence, Evans has lost all faith in people and therefore wants the Trisolarans to destroy humanity entirely. He therefore becomes the leader of the Adventist faction of the ETO, which is headquartered on his ship Judgment Day.

Mike Evans Quotes in The Three-Body Problem

The The Three-Body Problem quotes below are all either spoken by Mike Evans or refer to Mike Evans . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Technology, Progress, and Destruction Theme Icon
Chapter 27 Quotes

Now is truly the age of mass extinctions! So, my child, what you're seeing is nothing. This is only an insignificant episode in a much faster process. We can have no seabirds, but we can't be without oil. Can you imagine life without oil? Your last birthday, I gave you that lovely Ferrari and promised you that you could drive it after you turn 15. But without oil, it would be a pile of junk metal and you would never drive it. Right now, if you want to visit your grandfather, you can get there on my personal jet and cross the ocean in a dozen hours or so. But without oil, you'd have to tumble in a sailboat for more than a month…These are the rules of the game of civilization: the first priority is to guarantee the existence of the human race and their comfortable life. Everything else is secondary.

Related Characters: Mike Evans (speaker), Ye Wenjie
Page Number: 307
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 29 Quotes

The ETO had once tried to develop membership among the common people, but these efforts all failed. The ETO concluded that the common people did not seem to have the comprehensive and deep understanding of the highly educated about the dark side of humanity. More importantly, because their thoughts were not as deeply influenced by modern science and philosophy, they still felt an overwhelming, instinctual identification with their own species. To betray the human race as a whole was unimaginable for them. But intellectual elites were different: Most of them had already begun to consider issues from our perspective outside the human race. Human civilization had finally given birth to a strong force of alienation.

Related Characters: Ye Wenjie , Mike Evans
Page Number: 317
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mike Evans Quotes in The Three-Body Problem

The The Three-Body Problem quotes below are all either spoken by Mike Evans or refer to Mike Evans . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Technology, Progress, and Destruction Theme Icon
Chapter 27 Quotes

Now is truly the age of mass extinctions! So, my child, what you're seeing is nothing. This is only an insignificant episode in a much faster process. We can have no seabirds, but we can't be without oil. Can you imagine life without oil? Your last birthday, I gave you that lovely Ferrari and promised you that you could drive it after you turn 15. But without oil, it would be a pile of junk metal and you would never drive it. Right now, if you want to visit your grandfather, you can get there on my personal jet and cross the ocean in a dozen hours or so. But without oil, you'd have to tumble in a sailboat for more than a month…These are the rules of the game of civilization: the first priority is to guarantee the existence of the human race and their comfortable life. Everything else is secondary.

Related Characters: Mike Evans (speaker), Ye Wenjie
Page Number: 307
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 29 Quotes

The ETO had once tried to develop membership among the common people, but these efforts all failed. The ETO concluded that the common people did not seem to have the comprehensive and deep understanding of the highly educated about the dark side of humanity. More importantly, because their thoughts were not as deeply influenced by modern science and philosophy, they still felt an overwhelming, instinctual identification with their own species. To betray the human race as a whole was unimaginable for them. But intellectual elites were different: Most of them had already begun to consider issues from our perspective outside the human race. Human civilization had finally given birth to a strong force of alienation.

Related Characters: Ye Wenjie , Mike Evans
Page Number: 317
Explanation and Analysis: